New training routine :patrice: how it looks


Mar 1, 2013
This is what I used to do 6 days a week
Monday: Push
Tuesday: Pull
Wednesday: Cardio
Thursday: Legs
Friday: Push
Saturday: Pull
Sunday: Off

Day 1: Push
Bench Press 3 sets
Incline Bench Press 3 sets
Dips 3 sets
Military Shoulder Press 3 sets
Triceps Pulldowns until complete burnout

Day 2: Pull
Bent Over Rows 3 sets
Chin Ups 3 sets
Machine Rows 3 sets
Bicep Curls 3 sets

Day 3: Legs & Abs
Squats 3 sets
Leg Press 3 sets
Hamstring Leg Curls 3 sets
Abs exercises 3 sets(captain chair leg raises)
Plank till I'm done(maximum I do is 4:12 as of now)

Basically for all weight exercises I just add more weight and do less reps(minus 2) every set, but I also try on my last set to do the same amount of reps I did on my 2nd sep with more weight sometimes I can or Im just shy of 1
As for Cardio the thing I do is just run for 30 seconds at the maximum speed I can on the treadmill(12.5) and then walk for 60 seconds. I do this 10 times.
Also during the summer I tried to play basketball on Sundays which helped my cardio. I've been doing this routine for a couple of months since this summer

Now I really want to focus on my cardio and I'll be running outside to acclimate my body to the cold and shyt since I'll be going my training in the army begining of january, and be ready to be running outside
Monday:Push or legs
Tuesday: if i did legs on monday then its Push if not its Pull
Wednesday: if I did push on tuesday its pull if not then its legs
Thursday: run
Satuday :run
Sunday: run.

I'ma start running at 2.5-2.7 km per day 3 times a week.
Like just now I ran and I was able to run 2.63 Km in 13 mins and 6 seconds.
I'm aiming to be able to hit 2.4 under 11:56 mins


Oct 10, 2014
Looks pretty good, but since your only training everything once a week beside running, you could prolly afford to up the sets a bit. ill just say what id change if it were me.

Push day, 5 sets of incline barbell bench (GOAT chest builder), no flat bench (dips already work lower chest). Add in 3 sets of incline/flat dumbbell flyes (alternate each week), followed by 3 sets military press. Finish off with 3 dip/pulldown supersets.

For pull day id up chin ups to 5 sets, 4 sets bent over rows, eliminate machine rows and add 4 sets t-bar row; finish off 3 sets bicep curls. Back day should have more sets than chest as the back is much bigger. I usually match the number of sets I do for both back and legs

For legs/abs, id up everything to 4 sets