New Black Panther activists protesting due to the death of Sandra Bland


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013

Dozens of heavily-armed Black Panthers took to the streets of Texas yesterday chanting slogans about killing police officers as they protested the death of rights activist Sandra Bland.

Wielding AR-15 assault rifles, shotguns, and hunting rifles, the hard-line activists chanted slogans such as 'Off the pigs', 'Whose streets? Our streets' and 'Oink, oink... bang, bang'.

The group, who said they were from the New Black Panthers movement, marched to the Waller County Jail where Bland died in police custody a month ago today.

According to Breitbart, hundreds of police were sent to meet with the Panthers, including 75 officers from neighboring Harris County.

Mounted police and cops armed with riot gear and shields were pictured protecting local businesses and the jail, but despite high tensions the protest remained peaceful.

None of the protesters were arrested for carrying weapons as Texas law permits people to openly carry licenced firearms.

The demonstration lasted for around two hours while helicopters circled overhead, before the marchers dispersed.

The New Black Panthers, considered by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights to be a hate group, accused police of being behind the killing of Sandra Bland.

Bland was found dead in her cell in Waller County Jail on July 13 after being arrested three days earlier for an altercation during a routine traffic stop.

Yesterday's march came just three days after a similar rally by Black Lives Matter protesters turned violent when activists stormed into the Waller County Sheriff's Office.

Breitbart reported that a gang of demonstrators filled the lobby and began chanting so loudly that the 911 dispatchers in the office behind couldn't hear the callers.

Deputies were called to clear out the lobby and lock the doors, but realized shortly afterwards that some demonstrators were still left inside.

Waller County sheriff Glenn Smith said his officers took the protesters through to the back office and let them out a side door, but the crowd outside thought they were being arrested, and tried to force their way back in.

Smith said officers then went outside to force the crowd back, and three of his men were injured.

Read more: Heavily-armed New Black Panther activists threaten Texas police
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