Never Forget; Black People Kicked White Citizens Asses In Tulsa Until Troopers Came


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Now while no one denies the atrocities that came after the defense breakdown, some things are not being talked about publically when it comes to this event. As a teenager and young man, I would look at the story, and always noticed that holes and contradicitions...If a white mob of 10,000 came and just decimated the Blacks then why were air planes being used? I also wondered why did the event go into two days? What happened during the initial interactions that prevented an immediate quelling? Black resistance to white bullshyt is deliberately hidden from the history books, and sadly tends to only be passed down orally among family or localized communities.

"Even though it's not technically the "Red Summer", one that thing that I would love to hear is the Tulsa Race Riot from the FBA/ADOS view point. I say that because in my research I notice that this shyt is like porn to the recessives (the authors of the books I've read) when you let them tell it. Then there is a clear dispute in who actually won the real race riot.

Pay close attention to what the black man says around the 10:10 minute mark.

So apparently there were three battles.​

The first battle - At the courthouse is where they were about the lynch dikk Rowland, and a brigade of black men (ex WWI soldiers) from North Tulsa came to help protect dikk from the lynch mob. One little short old Devil tried to talk shyt, and degrade a black man by trying to seize his gun. When the gun went off in the struggle that little Devil died and the fight was on. In that scene despite being outnumbered there more whites that died than blacks.

The second battle - the blacks who went to the courthouse retreated to Greenwood past the border marked by the railroad tracks, where the battle pretty much stayed the entire night. That right there is a victory that is not told. The white lynch mob from the courthouse who wanted the smoke were getting blown out of their shoes trying to get into Greenwood, and had to retreat.

The third battle - After news broke of the recessives getting their asses beat the punk ass mayor of the town met with the other Klansman/ Oklahoma national guard who set up a 10,000 man army to assemble at border of the town. They cut off the roads, and attacked at around either 4 or 6 am when a train whistle blew. Now even with that army and the blacks themselves only being around 10,000 in population those Devils did not move an inch until the bytches started bombing from the air (which was a new war technique from the recent war, and had never been done to US citizens). Once that new war technique was implemented, the Devils went block by block terrorizing, looting and rounding up our people.

The ones who really fought back were burned alive at the expo center in Tulsa. They made all of the blacks live in tents for over a year."​

On the Tulsa Race Riots, the story of Peg Leg Taylor who caught so many white bodies...that he had to load them in wagons and dump them in the river to avoid the post riot blow back on the POW's.

"Arriving at the courthouse, this group of armed blacks, numbering about seventy-five, was greeted by a white mob numbering in the thousands. The level of tension and hysteria was rapidly rising. Representatives of the black group were allowed to enter the fortified courthouse where Sheriff McCollough assured them no lynching would take place. Apparently assured by the Sheriff’s defensive preparations they left the building and were preparing to go back to Greenwood when the spark was lit.

According to the version heard by Robert Fairchild, the white approached a tall black veteran who was carrying an Army issue .45-caliber and said

, what are you doing with that pistol?”

“I’m going to use it if I need to,” came the reply.

“No, you will give it to me.”

The white man attempted to disarm the veteran and a shot was fired. Sheriff McCullough stated from that moment “the race war was on and I was powerless to stop it.” (7)

A prolonged gun fight broke out as the blacks withdrew toward Greenwood and Archer. Block by block the fighting continued into the wee hours of the morning. At one point the battle raged around the train station, which was held as a fortress by black defenders for an extended period of time. With the bodies of white attackers scattered through the streets, the blacks retreated into Greenwood. This overnight fighting is usually ignored or skimmed over in the stories of the Tulsa “riot.” Far from being helpless victims, Tulsa’s black population fought with brutal efficiency against the white invaders. It is not hard to imagine this defense was pre-planned, or at least theorized before the shots began firing. Regarding the “helpless victim,” mythology,

W.D. Williams has disputed this assumption, citing as evidence the large number of whites which he saw get shot by black snipers as they attempted to invade “Deep Greenwood.” The Oklahoma City ‘Black Dispatch’ of 10 June, 1921, reported it had received a letter from “a prominent Negro in the city of Tulsa” who stated that “from what he could learn on the ground, about one-hundred were killed, equally divided between the two races.” (8)

Scattered fighting occurred throughout the night as thousands of white men gathered at several points in the city. They exchanged and distributed ammunition among themselves and the word was passed on: they would attack at dawn. Some were too excited to wait and five men in an automobile tried spur the crowd to action in early morning darkness.

When the crowd did not budge the men tore off alone toward Deep Greenwood. A few hours later, when the attack finally came, their five bodies were found slumped inside their car, rifles still pointed out the windows, the bullet-riddled carcass of the Franklin smoking in the middle of Archer street. (9)

A large number of casualities among the white invaders is very much in line with what the ABB Tulsa post Commander wrote in “The Crusader”: the majority of black deaths were noncombatants, people who burned to death in their houses or the unarmed who were shot by the white mob. On the “front,” however (which is approximated by the train tracks at Greenwood and Archer), it was another dynamic entirely. The Commander wrote:

The defense of Greenwood may be overlooked in the history books, but it has entered black folklore. The story is told how “Peg-Leg” Taylor, another veteran of World War I, had spent the afternoon shoplifting ammunition from downtown hardware stores. Armed with a .30-30 rifle and a shotgun he had assumed tactical positions throughout the night -fighting, keeping the white combatants at bay while stores were looted for arms and ammunition by his comrades. As dawn broke and a whistle sounded, a mass of white attackers charged across the tracks into Greenwood. While the ABB snipers shot it out with the white mob around the church, Taylor held a defensive position on a hill, six blocks from First Street on the north side. “He shot round after round of bullets for six hours. He did so much damage that the whites figured the Negroes had reinforcements.” The story of Taylor is still well-known in north Tulsa, and completely forgotten in the rest of the city."

HARD CRACKERS- The African Blood Brotherhood and The Short-Lived Civil War in Tulsa

More on Pegleg Taylor
Oh and Just so y'all know up until very recently White People denied the use of planes entirely. Hell I saw documentary, where some hog head sat up in a chair, and scuffed at the notion of planes being used to in the attack. You have to understand that white people are disgraceful, shameless cowards in nature.​
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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Apparently from another thread, our ancestors stayed dropping bodies in some of these cities but had to be hush hush about the number of whites who were killed

Hell Yea! In Tulsa alone....they said that Black men had wheel barrows to pile the white bodies up onto, and they would have to dump them into the river during the war. They said that Tulsa was littered with white bodies before and after the bombings. Those figures are obviously inaccurate. Some estimates say that at least 100 white people were killed in Tulsa, and over 700 were wounded. The wounded is a lot more verifiable, since those numbers came from white hospitals, who only admitted white patients especially during said event. The Black Tulsans had the shyt on lock until the national guard/military got involved, then the Billy Badass "white mob" was finally able to break the line and come into "deep Greenwood".

As far as Black people getting their licks back against white coward lynchers, that was extremely common, and not talked about. My cousin in law's father is from GA, and moved to KY after he killed white man. He had to change his name to Smith. Judge Joe Brown's father and uncle killed the white lyncher of their brother, and skipped town afterwards. There are countless stories that Black people scored against white people during those times.

Paducah, Kentucky 1892 was another instance of Blacks besting whites in a short war (over the same thing as Tulsa not surprisingly).

Race Riot (Paducah, KY)
In July 1892, Tom Burgess was arrested for the rape of a white woman in Paducah. Fearing that Burgess would be taken from the jail and lynched, a group of armed African American men surrounded the jail. When the lynch party arrived at the jail, a gun battle erupted in which one of the men with the lynch party was killed.

When the sheriff and other law enforcement officers could not convince the African American men to disperse, whites in the Paducah area were called to arms by community members, and the city braced for an all-out race riot. Soldiers and citizens in the Paducah area attempted to overtake the reinforced African American defense. Several of the African American men were shot, and one of the soldiers, Pvt. Elmer D. Edwards, was wounded and later died. The defense around the jail held.

The citizens and the soldiers were headquartered in the courthouse, and the African American men were headquartered in the Odd Fellows Hall. An appeal was made to the Kentucky governor to send troops to Paducah.

For more see "Race Riot in Kentucky," The Emporia Daily Gazette, 7/12/1892, Col. E; and Rioting in America, by P. A. Gilje.

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Apr 2, 2018
Hell Yea! In Tulsa alone....they said that Black men had wheel barrows to pile the white bodies up onto, and they would have to dump them into the river during the war. They said that Tulsa was littered with white bodies before and after the bombings. Those figures are obviously inaccurate. Some estimates say that at least 100 white people were killed in Tulsa, and over 700 were wounded. The wounded is a lot more verifiable, since those numbers came from white hospitals, who only admitted white patients especially during said event. The Black Tulsans had the shyt on lock until the national guard/military got involved, then the Billy Badass "white mob" was finally able to break the line and come into "deep Greenwood".

As far as Black people getting their licks back against white coward lynchers, that was extremely common, and not talked about. My cousin in law's father is from GA, and moved to KY after he killed white man. He had to change his name to Smith. Judge Joe Brown's father and uncle killed the white lyncher of their brother, and skipped town afterwards. There are countless stories that Black people scored against white people during those times. Paducah, Kentucky 1892 was another instance of Blacks besting whites in a short war (over the same thing as Tulsa not surprisingly).

This is so true because my family was like this too in Mississippi, they had the KKK shook and they knew not to come on our land and mess around. I have so many crazy stories of what my family was so different than what I learned about in school.


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
This is so true because my family was like this too in Mississippi, they had the KKK shook and they knew not to come on our land and mess around. I have so many crazy stories of what my family was so different than what I learned about in school.

Mississippi is another one! The state for one is too Black for that type of white terrorism to go unchecked! The Delta region of Mississippi I've heard was a Black haven of sorts from that BS. There were Black people in that state who law officers referred to as "the baddest colored man" in the land of something of the sort. I don't buy that docile Mississippi shyt for one minute! Them white people are hostile, because they know that they cannot have their ways the way that they want!


Apr 2, 2018
Mississippi is another one! The state for one is too Black for that type of white terrorism to go unchecked! The Delta region of Mississippi I've heard was a Black haven of sorts from that BS. There were Black people in that state who law officers referred to as "the baddest colored man" in the land of something of the sort. I don't buy that docile Mississippi shyt for one minute! Them white people are hostile, because they know that they cannot have their ways the way that they want!

Yup. My grandpa told me a story about some white dude towing his dad’s truck and his pops [my great grandpa] got pissed and said to his son [my grandpa] “you better go to the lot and get my truck back”. So when my grandpa gets to the lot, he tells the lot attendant “my dad says you better give him his truck back” and the attendant said “I’m not giving that n166er shyt back”.

I don’t know how it happened but the lot attendant found out my grandpa’s dad was going to the lot to kill him and so the lot attendant left the tow yard unattended. My great grandpa went in and took the truck back and that was that.

‘I don’t know how much time passed but the whites got tired of my great grandpa and decided it was time to kill him. So a group of white people hopped in a pick up truck and was driving around asking for him and saying they were gonna kill him. My great grandpa heard ab0ut it and hopped in a tree and told his family “if they want to kill me that’s fine but some of them are going to die first”

The KKK in the truck refused to drive on our land...they knew the second they drove onto it one of them was going to die. I’ve been on the land myself too...we have a strip of road going through acres of our land so you can easily drive through it...we own both sides of the road and have multiple houses, a church, a store, and etc. Real backwoods too...if you get shot out there chances are no one would know.

This was in the 40’s too...everyone knew each other...the whites knew my great grandpa was a stone cold killer and didn’t fukk around...that shyt about us being meek is false.


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Yup. My grandpa told me a story about some white dude towing his dad’s truck and his pops [my great grandpa] got pissed and said to his son [my grandpa] “you better go to the lot and get my truck back”. So when my grandpa gets to the lot, he tells the lot attendant “my dad says you better give him his truck back” and the attendant said “I’m not giving that n166er shyt back”.

I don’t know how it happened but the lot attendant found out my grandpa’s dad was going to the lot to kill him and so the lot attendant left the tow yard unattended. My great grandpa went in and took the truck back and that was that.

‘I don’t know how much time passed but the whites got tired of my great grandpa and decided it was time to kill him. So a group of white people hopped in a pick up truck and was driving around asking for him and saying they were gonna kill him. My great grandpa heard ab0ut it and hopped in a tree and told his family “if they want to kill me that’s fine but some of them are going to die first”

The KKK in the truck refused to drive on our land...they knew the second they drove onto it one of them was going to die. I’ve been on the land myself too...we have a strip of road going through acres of our land so you can easily drive through it...we own both sides of the road and have multiple houses, a church, a store, and etc. Real backwoods too...if you get shot out there chances are no one would know.

This was in the 40’s too...everyone knew each other...the whites knew my great grandpa was a stone cold killer and didn’t fukk around...that shyt about us being meek is false.


Stories and narratives like this are not put into history books or properly counted. I always knew that MS was full of riders. These were the Black people who said Hell naw they ain't going to flee to the North, so they have to have strong backbones.

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
#iamnotmyancestors :picard: damn, our great grandparents were putting in work. salute to their courage.
I heard also they were rebelling every three weeks for 300 years :wow:

We come from long lines of professional soldiers who could easily identify military leaders, generals and monarchs and put them in charge accordingly.
They spoke multiple African and European languages before being brought here. They were not dumb or uneducated. Even HG Wells had to give black troops props because they were more efficient than white American ones
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Apr 2, 2018

Stories and narratives like this are not put into history books or properly counted. I always knew that MS was full of riders. These were the Black people who said Hell naw they ain't going to flee to the North, so they have to have strong backbones.

Yup many stories like this. Back when I was much younger I was sitting down with my Grandpa and he was telling me so casually about how they used to fukk White people up. Used to kick their ass, take their lunch was said so nonchalantly...and I asked weren’t afraid of white people...he was like “ohhhhh no, none of us were afraid of them” and then the little c00n fairy floated around the side of my head like:

:whoo: “grandpa iz gon’ get us kilt round he’re”

But that shyt shifted my entire perspective. I always had this fire in me, I have never been afraid of White people...I would be at work and the white boss from corporate would come and all the Black people start scurrying...I’d be like

“hi, bob, how’s the family?” :sas1:

That’s a digression but was so refreshing to get the real insight that we were never meek. We are warriors and we are still fukking fighting to this day.


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Apparently from another thread, our ancestors stayed dropping bodies in some of these cities but had to be hush hush about the number of whites who were killed
Yup many stories like this. Back when I was much younger I was sitting down with my Grandpa and he was telling me so casually about how they used to fukk White people up. Used to kick their ass, take their lunch was said so nonchalantly...and I asked weren’t afraid of white people...he was like “ohhhhh no, none of us were afraid of them” and then the little c00n fairy floated around the side of my head like:

:whoo: “grandpa iz gon’ get us kilt round he’re”

But that shyt shifted my entire perspective. I always had this fire in me, I have never been afraid of White people...I would be at work and the white boss from corporate would come and all the Black people start scurrying...I’d be like

“hi, bob, how’s the family?” :sas1:

That’s a digression but was so refreshing to get the real insight that we were never meek. We are warriors and we are still fukking fighting to this day.

Bra.....That's the same way that my granny be talking. Our people are from Columbia, Kentucky and rural Alabama and moved the Louisville during the migration. My granny and uncles and aunties were and are still with the shyt! My great Uncle who is much older than my granny was arrested, because my granny pulled some white bytch who was snickering "******" with her friend as they walked by off the bus by here hair and beat her ass. Then my great auntie who is also older than my granny was arrested, because my cousin Cleebo (RIP) egged my granny on to beat up her white boy neighbor who said ******. My granny knocked the little white boy out :russ:. She also said that one day, her and her mischievous friends were walking down the block, and decided to antagonize a white barbershop. She came in there to get a pop, and then asked if she could get her hair cut to troll them, and he said we don't cut ****** hair, so they all shook up their pop cans and threw them into the barbershop and took off running lol.