Neo's time travel series VOLUME 1: the year 1900

Apr 3, 2014
It's simple, brehs. It's Thursday, June 13th. You're outside your house/apartment/ya mama's basement getting something out the car, and while you're digging around in your car, you hear a noise. You look up and see 4 guys wearing some type of futuristic gear and one of them says, "That's him."

Your heart sinks in your chest cause they got you surrounded but you're a coli breh and you seen Mowgli talk about BJJ for years... except... you never took a class. One of the guys takes out what appears to be a gun and you see your life flash before your eyes. He pulls the trigger and you close your eyes.

You hear a bang... But you don't think you're dead. You open your eyes and... what the hell??? Your house is gone, your car is gone, the 4 guys are gone. You're in the same exact spot but in the year 1900. And the only reason you know this is because you look down and a newspaper is laying at your feet almost as if it was put there for you. And the date is June 13, 1900.

You're stuck with no way back to your time. What do you do next?

Here's the state of the world in the year 1900:

- Oklahoma, Arizona, New Mexico, Alaska and Hawaii aren't US states yet.
- There are five railroad systems and that's the only way to travel the country... unless you want to travel by horseback. Good luck. Henry Ford is alive and kicking but cars are in their infancy and there are only a few thousand cars in use, and they're a luxury item for the wealthy. Most people still use horses, horsedrawn carriages and bikes.
- William McKinley is the current US president.

- According to Chatgpt:
fewer processed foods and a reliance on home-cooked meals made from scratch, using seasonal and locally sourced ingredients. The variety of available food would be more limited, with a greater emphasis on meats, potatoes, and preserved foods like canned vegetables and homemade jams. Convenience foods and fast food options would be virtually nonexistent, and the absence of modern refrigeration would mean food preservation methods like smoking, curing, and canning were essential. The modern abundance of global cuisines and out-of-season produce would be starkly missing, highlighting a more self-sufficient and agrarian lifestyle.

- An American from 2024 transported back to the year 1900 would immediately notice a stark contrast in the quality of living. They would find that many modern conveniences, such as electricity, indoor plumbing, and central heating, were rare luxuries rather than standard features in homes. Communication would be limited to letters and telegrams, with telephones being a novelty. Transportation would be slower and less accessible, relying heavily on horses, bicycles, and early automobiles. Healthcare would be far less advanced, with limited medical knowledge and rudimentary treatments. Additionally, they would observe a more physically demanding lifestyle, with a greater emphasis on manual labor and self-sufficiency, as well as a significant disparity in living conditions based on social class and geography.

If an American from 2024 found themselves transported back to the year 1900 without any money, they would need to quickly adapt to the period's ways of earning a living. With no access to modern banking or electronic funds, they might seek work in common labor-intensive jobs of the era, such as factory work, farming, or domestic service. Networking within local communities would be crucial, as personal connections often led to job opportunities. They might also barter skills or services for food and shelter. Understanding and adapting to the social norms and expectations of the time would be essential for survival and integration into society.

And let's not forget that if you're black... :mjpls:

Well, you know... :mjpls:

Speak on it, brehs.