I think they're going to shift their focus to India now. Already have some presence there and have an Indian owner.
India has a fascist Prime Minister.
Current Indian government is trying to give China a run for its money on human rights abuses, but it had a much later start and not nearly as much control. Things they can control though (like police just straight executing people on the streets) is pretty bad. But the don't got the international rep yet that China does and their relationship with the USA is better right now, so I can easily see a bigger move in India. NBA ain't leaving China.
India's sports culture sucks though. Stuff like coaches abusing kids happens, but far more prevalent is coaches getting bribed to let kids on the team, only the rich kids playing, etc. They don't really take sports seriously outside of cricket and cricket is rife with nepotism and politics. And parents don't want their kids playing sports because they don't believe it contributes to their future. It's all pretty rough for the kids who just wanna play and be part of a team.