post interesting things about the animal kingdom that you just learned about or possibly want to learn more about or just weird/interesting shyt 
what yall know about zombie snails
Leucochloridium paradoxum
imagine if they started developing a taste for human eye balls
they could easily be the bugs of the apocolypse
new guinea singin dog
on of the few dog breeds that have wild canine attributes
also one of the only animals that can resist a rear naked choke due to their neck capability allowing them to toss their head a full 360 degrees

what yall know about zombie snails

Leucochloridium paradoxum
The worm in its larval, miracidia stage, travels into the digestive system of a snail to develop into the next stage, sporocyst. The sporocyst grows into long tubes to form swollen "broodsacs" filled with tens to hundreds of cercariae. These broodsacs invade the snail's tentacles (preferring the left, when available), causing a brilliant transformation of the tentacles into a swollen, pulsating, colorful display that mimics the appearance of a caterpillar or grub
imagine if they started developing a taste for human eye balls

new guinea singin dog
on of the few dog breeds that have wild canine attributes
also one of the only animals that can resist a rear naked choke due to their neck capability allowing them to toss their head a full 360 degrees

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