Jadas diss charted. And 50 was number driven then. And they were clowning him hard. 50 only unsettled them by dropping I run NY. Which was dope but it was only the trash talk at the end about buying their publishing and pushing styles back that had them on the radio threatening to throw fridges on puff.The pockets Nas was going in and out of isand his bars were soul touchin’
50 is in denial talkin’ about only Jadakiss
yeah this was fire. it was a line of people who killed him musically.
50 didn’t want it with Nas for several reasons but its more so because he had a lot of respect for Nas for taking him on his first tour and showing him love. Even while they were beefing 50 always called Nas one of the greatest and said that Nas first verse on The Message was his favorite all time lyrical performance.
Facts. My reactions in real time:
Lox, multiple tracks
Shyne, For The Record
Cam- Curtis
AZ- Royal Salute‘If money made the man then on Iraq land, Sadaam’e statue would still stand on top of the sand’
Nas- Don’t Body Yaself![]()