Alchemist and Nas would definitely be crazy. Premo would have to come out on this one and do what he has not done in a while as you said, make a great album or a string of beats that bring back that feeling he used to bring. The first song was cool but I agree it was not what it could have been and a lot of the songs on the albums with Hit were better quite easily. Premo would have to be Prem again and as someone else said I am not worried about Nas it is Premo who would have to come with it (And he is one of my GOATS hands down but mainly for his work in the 90s and early to mid 00s).It didn't grab my attention at all either. Just a generic 'premier type beat'... hopefully this is the worst song on there.
I'll keep it a 2025 I'd rather hear a Nas x Alchemist album than a premier album.