Absolute idiots.
Chad Hugo probably couldn’t wait to not work with her ever again.
What was the system of checks and balances for making this type of attire they were wearing.
Because they had to:
- come up with this bullshït idea
- find a vendor for the jackets/shirts
- get both items shipped
- open both items upon delivery
- get the rhinestones on the jacket
- get the shirt screenprinted
- check to see if the screen print was quality
- check to see if the rhinestones were stable
- try both items on
- take pics with both items on
- wait til the Grammy’s to wear it
- get a Grammy’s invite
- get dressed
- get in the limo to the venue
- exit the limo and then pose for the cameras
At what point during any of this did either of them (or their people) say…. “Hey this might not be a good idea”