Yeah, you only watch it because your girl does.
Yeah, Olivia Pope ain't nothing but a sidepiece in expensive clothes.
Yeah, this show is ridiculous because the president murdered a Supreme Court judge and Olivia got away with rigging a presidential election.
YOU WATCH IT nikka. It's a flaming car accident in which all the drivers are high on coke but you still can't turn away from.
- That first scene last night between Olivia and her pops was BEASTLY. Joe Morton was scene-chewing like shyt throughout the entire episode. James Spader would be proud.
- Harrison still useless as shit.
- Fitz is still the worst, and Olivia looks worse with every episode for falling for that psychopath.
- Mellie is still the trillest bitch on the show.
Yeah, Olivia Pope ain't nothing but a sidepiece in expensive clothes.
Yeah, this show is ridiculous because the president murdered a Supreme Court judge and Olivia got away with rigging a presidential election.
YOU WATCH IT nikka. It's a flaming car accident in which all the drivers are high on coke but you still can't turn away from.
- That first scene last night between Olivia and her pops was BEASTLY. Joe Morton was scene-chewing like shyt throughout the entire episode. James Spader would be proud.
- Harrison still useless as shit.
- Fitz is still the worst, and Olivia looks worse with every episode for falling for that psychopath.
- Mellie is still the trillest bitch on the show.