My Thoughts on the New Mummy Movie(No Spoilers.... I Promise)


GoldenAgeGamer82 - PSN ID
Dec 24, 2012
Gamers Paradise
I just got back. I grade it as a B+. It wasn't spectacular, but it was worthy of being a Mummy movie. Overall production is decent but it's not worth the 17-25(or how much ever you pay in your area for IMAX 3D), standard def will do.

As far as the movie, they followed the Mummy formula to a T: History of the mummy and how and why he/she was cursed, dummy protagonist or support character doing bullshyt he wasn't suppose to be doing, gets in too deep, shyt gets real, then realizes he has to fix the epic fukk up or the world will face Armageddon. All this with bits of comedy fodder to mix serious and lighthearted moments throughout the movie. IMHO(Maybe, it's because I'm black and don't understand white humor), the comedy was dry..... not as funny as the OG and second movie where Brendan Frasier, Rachel Weiss and the rest of the supporting characters had better chemistry. Tom Cruise and his support character had no comedic chemistry(but they seem like they could be good friends off screen). For those who don't, Tom Cruise and Russell Crowe are in the movie, so it makes sense that they, along with the woman who plays the Mummy, is carrying the film. However, IMHO, Russell Crowe's character(which I won't spoil. It's a famous literary character) doesn't make a lot of sense to me other than a scene locale(and the origin of this famous literary character is Scottish, so technically, it's still out of place). They could did without him and added more elements for the main antagonist. Tom Cruise's character was strongly written and a good choice as the new protagonist for the franchise reboot. Tom excels at what he does best: Action and romance scenes.... the writers stuck to those strengths and he delivered.

If you're a fan of the franchise, you'll be satisfied... and will probably purchase the movie when released on Blu-Ray/DVD.

This is all I can say without spoiling anything.