First happened like last year. My pitbul just snapped and attacced df out the rotweiler had them both bleeding. it stopped for a bit, now tonight i hear them growling. I go bacc there and checc and i dont hear shyt, the pit comes up to me and i give her some water(they both females)
like 5 mins later they just start going at it idk why or for what but shyt got bad and the rot was bleeding again.
The only thing that stops the rot from really getting fucced up is that shes like almost 3 times the size of the pit, but if it wasnt for that she would probably be dead.
The pittbul has a history of beefing with otehr dogs. Like some stray dog was walkin and my dumbass mom put the dog in the bacc and gave all 3 of them some food. when they was eating the pit attacted the other dog had the other dog crying.
How do i stop this. the pit is my fav dog because she lsitens to me but if she keeps it up im finna beat df out of her, stompin her and all
like 5 mins later they just start going at it idk why or for what but shyt got bad and the rot was bleeding again.
The only thing that stops the rot from really getting fucced up is that shes like almost 3 times the size of the pit, but if it wasnt for that she would probably be dead.
The pittbul has a history of beefing with otehr dogs. Like some stray dog was walkin and my dumbass mom put the dog in the bacc and gave all 3 of them some food. when they was eating the pit attacted the other dog had the other dog crying.
How do i stop this. the pit is my fav dog because she lsitens to me but if she keeps it up im finna beat df out of her, stompin her and all