My dying aunt, on the brink of death, was saved through prayer.


May 10, 2015
Behold brethren and feast thine eyes upon the miracle that hast taken place.

2 days ago, my aunt whom is in her early 50's was found lying unresponsive on the kitchen floor by her sister . Apparently, she had suffered a stroke and was lifeless for a while before being discovered.

She is diabetic and has been in and out of the hospital this year with failing health. Just a few months prior, she fell and broke and arm. It wasn't a bad fall at all. Just shows how weak her bones have become due to the illness.

She was rushed to the ER where she stopped breathing and was placed on a breathing machine. All of the family assembled and she was transported to ICU. I arrived and gazed upon her face and it was lifeless. Her eyes were wide open but not moving and swollen as if they were gonna pop out and there was thick fluid building up in the corner of her eyeball. The breathing machine pumping oxygen in and out of her was a haunting sight as it moved and contorted her body very abnormally. She looked dead.
Everyone was crying and expecting the worst.

This entire week coincidentally, my church has been in prayer revival from Mon-Thurs. Each night, we prayed for a different thing. Monday - Backsliders/Salvation of unbelievers. Tuesday - Health of family and/or friends. Wednesday - The state of marriages in our country and Thursday - Ourselves.

She was admitted on Tuesday and by Wednesday the doctors told us that her liver and kidneys have failed and half of her brain was dead. Had no idea half of your brain could die. They told us most people do not survive such conditions but they will keep trying to see what they can do.

Our church family prayed a special prayer for her and though the family expected death, my mother, myself and church knew that God could do anything, even save her from death. That very thing happened today (Friday). I received news that she is now breathing on her own and though she cannot speak or move, she responds to touch and has opened her eyes when her name was called. Praise be to God for he hath done a miraculous thing.

Please do not write of such a thing as mere coincidence. This is the work of Jesus the Christ through the prayers of the righteous saints. Let us rejoice!

Ephesians 3:20: Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.

Jeremiah 32:27: Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for Me?

*Cliffnotes for my lazy brethren afraid of large amounts of text*
My aunt was on her death bed, unresponsive with failed kidneys and liver and half of her brain dead for 2 days. My church prayed for her and she has recovered today and is doing much better.



May 10, 2015
So he's outchea saving random lives but can't help starving kids or stop things like sex trafficking from happening? :upsetfavre:
What about all the starving kids whom are saved each day? What about the women whom are saved from trafficking each day?