My 2nd Fav Movie of All Time is Getting Remade: American Werewolf in London Remake

Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC
Max Landis Confirms invovement in American Werewolf in London Remake
John Landis’ son welcomes nepotism accusations for An American Werewolf In London remake. Max Landis will write screenplay, and direct.

NEWSTony Sokol
Aug 10, 2017
Beware the moon, Piccadilly Square, another naked American man is getting ready to steal balloons and indulge in other carnivorous lunar activities. John Landis’ son Max Landis confirmed he will be writing and directing the upcoming remake of his father Jon Landis’s 1981 comedic horror film An American Werewolf in London.

Dogma and Clerks director Kevin Smith caught up with Max Landis for an interview about in an interview for IMDb LIVE at San Diego Comic-Con.

“There was a rumor that American Werewolf would be joining the Dark Universe,” Landis told an incredulous Smith. “And then I heard that Robert Kirkman and David Albert, one of my mentors, a guy who shaped my career, shaped the way I view the film industry, who shaped the way I Iive my personal life, is still shaping it … a guy who was my mangers, approached me and said, ‘hey, you ought to go out for American Werewolf, to produce it.”

“I said ‘if I do that it will be the ultimate abdication of every accusation of nepotism I’ve ever face. It would literally be stapling my face to a bulls-eye.”

Max confirmed that the film will be a big studio project, listed some of the projects he’s been working on and admitted “fukk it. Yeah, I want to to American Werewolf.” He confirmed he will write the screenplay, and “thinks” he will direct it. He “likes the script” he wrote, and is “halfway through it.”

Max Landis Confirms invovement in American Werewolf in London Remake


Poetical Poltergeist

Precise and cold hearted
May 7, 2012
Mile in the Sky
Max Landis Confirms invovement in American Werewolf in London Remake
John Landis’ son welcomes nepotism accusations for An American Werewolf In London remake. Max Landis will write screenplay, and direct.

NEWSTony Sokol
Aug 10, 2017
Beware the moon, Piccadilly Square, another naked American man is getting ready to steal balloons and indulge in other carnivorous lunar activities. John Landis’ son Max Landis confirmed he will be writing and directing the upcoming remake of his father Jon Landis’s 1981 comedic horror film An American Werewolf in London.

Dogma and Clerks director Kevin Smith caught up with Max Landis for an interview about in an interview for IMDb LIVE at San Diego Comic-Con.

“There was a rumor that American Werewolf would be joining the Dark Universe,” Landis told an incredulous Smith. “And then I heard that Robert Kirkman and David Albert, one of my mentors, a guy who shaped my career, shaped the way I view the film industry, who shaped the way I Iive my personal life, is still shaping it … a guy who was my mangers, approached me and said, ‘hey, you ought to go out for American Werewolf, to produce it.”

“I said ‘if I do that it will be the ultimate abdication of every accusation of nepotism I’ve ever face. It would literally be stapling my face to a bulls-eye.”

Max confirmed that the film will be a big studio project, listed some of the projects he’s been working on and admitted “fukk it. Yeah, I want to to American Werewolf.” He confirmed he will write the screenplay, and “thinks” he will direct it. He “likes the script” he wrote, and is “halfway through it.”

Max Landis Confirms invovement in American Werewolf in London Remake
We know this. My favorite horror movie probably ever. I am sure he will fukk it up big time though.