Mugabe victory in Zimbabwe: Dictatorship or decolonization?

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
Published time: August 12, 2013 11:54

Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe (Reuters / Mike Hutchings)

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With another 5 years in by safesaver">power, Mugabe promises to expand his “indigenization” policy, whose failure would beget a drying up of foreign investment and increased economic isolation.

After Robert Mugabe has secured another five-year term as president of Zimbabwe, his self-empowerment policy, which gives black Zimbabweans a 51 percent stake in all existing foreign owned businesses, will hopefully inspire a regional shift towards pro-indigenization policies.

Few modern African leaders have been both so passionately supported and endlessly condemned as President Robert Mugabe, an ardent nationalist and black liberation figure who has ruled Zimbabwe since its independence in 1980. Despite the hardships and crippling hyperinflation brought on by Western sanctions as a result of ethnically polarizing land reform policies, Mugabe’s legacy as the country’s national liberator – as the man who laid down the core demands for national independence, and won – provokes an intense national fervor that has secured his victory in every election. It wasn’t so long ago that every inch of Zimbabwe, once known as “Rhodesia” after the British mining magnet Cecil Rhodes, was owned by a clique of white colonialists who made up 4.3 percent of the population. The masses of black Africans were brutally enslaved and forced to live under punishing exploitation, while Zimbabwe’s land and natural resources were taken violently and divided amongst European settlers.

The landslide victory of Mugabe in late July 2013 elections suggests that much of the population views him as the answer to the post-independence “black man's burden” – reaping meager by safesaver">profits from resources exploited by multinationals while continuing to be subservient to non-Africans who monopolize the continent’s most arable land. Mugabe’s ideology is that political independence is merely nominal without economic freedom, and thus argued during liberation negotiations in 1979 that Zimbabwe would only agree to a “willing buyer, willing seller” agreement provided that the United Kingdom offer black Zimbabweans the funds needed to purchase land forcibly taken from them by white landowners. The problem was that the UK never committed to the pledge made by Margaret Thatcher's government to raise hundreds of millions of pounds for long-term land reform, and many white landowners were unwilling to sell their land, which kept nearly the entire black population confined to less than a quarter of the country’s landmass.


Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe (AFP Photo)

Africa’s Hitler?
In 2000, in the midst of gouging austerity measures imposed by the IMF, Mugabe’s ZANU-PF party did what no other post-independence government has dared to do – it fast tracked its indigenization policies, leading to the forcible seizure of white-owned land, sometimes by violent means. Some 6,000 white farmers were replaced by 245,000 black farmers, and while the move initially created chaos and earned Mugabe titles like “Africa’s Hitler,” agricultural production has normalized to 1990s levels, and resettled farmers grow 40% of the country’s tobacco and 49% of its maize. Today however, Saviour Kasukuwere, Zimbabwe's minister of indigenization, admits food production is only at about 50 percent of capacity, and there is no doubt that major challenges still need to be overcome before the land reforms can be seen as a viable policy for its neighbors to emulate. International condemnation and crippling sanctions only added to the chaos following the land seizures, resulting in a hyperinflationary crisis that saw the printing of one-hundred-trillion-dollar banknotes, and finally the abolishment of the national currency in favor of the US dollar and the South African rand.

Although there have been undeniable economic consequences, such as the loss of the national currency and monetary sovereignty, and sanctions imposed from European capitals as a result of the indigenization policies, the latest round of elections were essentially a public referendum on Mugabe’s policies, which the majority of Zimbabweans feel is the only effective way to lift the centuries’ old burden of European dominance and bring about genuine decolonization. At President Mugabe's final campaign rally, he proclaimed that, “we must re-write the economic books for our children. Those books were written to suite the West's agenda of exploiting our resources. Our children must know that our resources are more significant, more precious than their capital.” ZANU-PF’s next moves are to grant Zimbabweans at least 51% of controlling equity in foreign-owned businesses, resulting in what the party says will create a value of US$7.3 billion across 14 key sectors of the economy. Mugabe’s party is also planning a $5 billion investment in physical infrastructure including the energy, roads, and railway sectors, as well as in areas concerning health, education, housing, water, sanitation and security.


Prime Minister of Zimbabwe Morgan Tsvangirai (AFP Photo)

‘Make their economy scream’
Morgan Tsvangirai, the leader of the MDC-T (Movement for Democratic Change) and former prime minister under the coalition government, declared the vote a sham even prior to the results being tallied. Mugabe, who won 61.09 percent of the vote to Mr. Tsvangirai’s 33.94 percent, refused to allow election observers from Western countries to monitor the polls. Despite claims from the opposition to the contrary, the United Nations, the African Union and other observer groups found the election results to be sound, free, and fair. The only countries that have not recognized the vote results are the UK, Australia, and the United States – Secretary of State John Kerry claimed that the results did not reflect “a credible expression of the will of the Zimbabwean people,” an incredibly deceitful statement given the groundswell and undeniable campaign surge around ZANU-PF, further putting the Obama administration at odds with the political judgment of both international and African institutions.

There is good reason why the West backed Tsvangirai to the hilt – he espoused an economic program that represents the direct opposite of Mugabe’s indigenization policies. MDC-T championed a foreign-investment-led growth agenda, promising one million new jobs by 2018, reestablished relations with the West, a repositioning of the country as being “ready for business,” as well as renewing relations with the international financial community. Tsvangirai has been a consistent opponent of indigenization, land reform, and even opposed the nationalization of the lucrative mining sector – his poor showing in the polls reflects his endorsement of unpopular neoliberal policies. Tsvangirai lost significant public support in Zimbabwe after WikiLeaks documents showed that he urged the US to maintain sanctions against the country, while taking the opposite position in public. In a statement to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights protesting the economic embargo, a Zimbabwean delegation made the case that they were being unjustly sanctioned, citing former US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Chester Crocker, who told the US Senate that, “To separate the Zimbabwean people from Zanu PF, we are going to have to make their economy scream, and I hope you, Senators, have the stomach for what you have to do.”

WikiLeaks cables also revealed statements made by former US Ambassador to Zimbabwe Christopher Dell, who said, “He [Tsvangirai] is the indispensable element for regime change, but possibly an albatross around their necks once in power.” Tsvangirai may have convinced many of the youth and downtrodden in Zimbabwe that his was the right agenda, but the significant majority clearly isn’t buying it.


Zimbabwe, Harare (AFP Photo)

I've always thought that Mugabe was a true African leader, fighting white supremacy tooth and nail, and his people support him, showing their support in the elections. He is preaching about black EMPOWERMENT, something that every black leader, from president to preacher should teach. I don't condone his mass-murdering of his people however. But once Mugabe is gone, this fool Tsvangirai will bow down to West, meaning black people will remain poor, with no power in their own land. That's why the west supports him. Shame.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
As much as I would love to give this a positive spin, I can't


كن التغير الذي تريد أن تراه في العالم
Jun 28, 2012
Tsvangirai lost significant public support in Zimbabwe after WikiLeaks documents showed that he urged the US to maintain sanctions against the country, while taking the opposite position in public. In a statement to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights protesting the economic embargo, a Zimbabwean delegation made the case that they were being unjustly sanctioned, citing former US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Chester Crocker, who told the US Senate that, “To separate the Zimbabwean people from Zanu PF, we are going to have to make their economy scream, and I hope you, Senators, have the stomach for what you have to do.”

WikiLeaks cables also revealed statements made by former US Ambassador to Zimbabwe Christopher Dell, who said, “He [Tsvangirai] is the indispensable element for regime change, but possibly an albatross around their necks once in power.” Tsvangirai may have convinced many of the youth and downtrodden in Zimbabwe that his was the right agenda, but the significant majority clearly isn’t buying it.

The story of Africa and its "supposed" leaders educated in the West:no:
Jul 6, 2012
The fact that Mugabe is still alive should tell you that, the people who really control the Money in this world have no beef with him...

Africans leaders who don't fall in line get gunned up and clapped real quick...

I think this whole Mugabe thing is mostly media sensationalism...


Jun 4, 2012
I don't want to see any more pics of Morgan Tsvangirai as long as I live.

Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012
Don't trust anything the Eurocentric racist West says about Zimbabwe.

Mugabe is not a black liberator. He's an enemy of white supremacy but he's not a black liberator. Not only was he hiding in Mozambique during the Chimurenga Wars while the real liberators were sacrificing their lives fighting cacs but since seizing power he's unquestionably become one of the most corrupt and kleptocratic dictators of all time. In the 80's he ordered the slaughtering of 100,000 Ndebele people. What kind of "black liberator" would do that? A couple years ago this motherfukker and his goons emptied Zimbabwe's banks on a whim and looted EVERYTHING (life savings, everything, gone). ALL of Zimbabwe's money gets funneled to him and Zanu-PF. The enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend and case in point Mugabe has basically sold the country out to Chinese neo-colonial scum.

Zimbabweans are actually a highly educated, highly literate people and the land is rich in natural, mineral and agricultural resources but Mugabe and Zanu-PF have stifled the country's progress for personal gain. fukk him.

I don't want to see any more pics of Morgan Tsvangirai as long as I live.

Yeah he's one ugly nikka. He's known as Shrek in Zimbabwe.
Last edited:
May 15, 2012
The fact that Mugabe is still alive should tell you that, the people who really control the Money in this world have no beef with him...

Africans leaders who don't fall in line get gunned up and clapped real quick...

I think this whole Mugabe thing is mostly media sensationalism...

white people are not these all powerful boogeymen you make them out to be