Motivational Speaker Tony Robbins Convinces a group of Edomites to walk on hot coals :mjlol:


A genius is the one most like himself
Aug 5, 2013
Dozens burned walking across hot coals at Tony Robbins motivational speaker event


DALLAS -- Fire officials said some 40 people attending a Tony Robbins seminar suffered minor burn injuries late Thursday after walking across hot coals.

Trainers for entrepreneur and best selling author Robbins' motivational seminars said walking on coals is a very emotional experience for people, and that participants were doing something they didn’t think was possible.

But the exercise wasn't fun and games for everyone attending the “Unleash the Power Within” seminar in Dallas on Thursday night.

Several ambulances were staged outside the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center as paramedics treated dozens of people from the sold-out program for burn injuries to their feet and legs, according to a statement from Jason Evans, PIO for Dallas Fire and Rescue.

Five people were taken to the hospital and most of the burn victims elected not to be taken to the hospital, Evans said.

Conference volunteers said walking on hot coals has become a regular activity at Robbins' seminars across the world. Witnesses said some people were distracted while walking across the coals, which they believe may have caused the burns.

"From my observation, there was someone in front of us and someone behind us on their cell phone, taking selfies and taking pictures,” said Jacqueline Luxemberg, who completed the fire walk. “[She asked others] to video record for her, so I think that that has a lot to do with it."

An estimated 7,000 people walked across the coals Thursday night.

The “Unleashing the Power Within” conference is in Dallas for three-and-a-half days.

Dozens burned walking across hot coals at Tony Robbins motivational speaker event

Stupid ass motherfukkas:mjlol:
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