‘Moonlight’s Director Barry Jenkins Joins Chadwick Boseman On Uni Thriller ‘Expatriate’

May 16, 2012

EXCLUSIVE: Oscar-winning Moonlight director Barry Jenkins has attached to direct Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman in Expatriate, an international thriller set around a 1970s plane hijacking. Boseman wrote the script with his writing partner Logan Coles.

Marc Platt and Adam Siegel will produce through their Universal-based Marc Platt Productions banner alongside Mark Johnson and his Gran Via Productions. Mark Ceryak will also produce, and Coles will serve as executive producer. Universal director of development Chloe Yellin is overseeing with Ryan Christians from Marc Platt Productions.

Jenkins followed his Oscar win by making a deal to direct, produce and adapt the James Baldwin novel If Beale Street Could Talk for Annapurna Pictures. Boseman, who originated his Black Panther superhero in Captain America: Civil War, has been filming the two Avengers sequels, stars in the solo movie Black Panther, which Ryan Coogler directed and which Disney releases February 16. These are busy artists, but their pairing has the potential for an elevated hot button thriller.

Jenkins is represented by CAA and Silent R Management; Boseman by Greene & Associates Talent Agency, Management 360 and Ziffren Brittenham LLP, the law firm that reps Johnson and Coles. Latter is also Management 360.

‘Moonlight’s Barry Jenkins Joins Chadwick Boseman On Uni Thriller ‘Expatriate’