Monique Denise Ingram from Star Wars Obi Wan

Sep 15, 2015
I started acting when I was probably 9, 10…something like that. My teacher thought it would help with my behavior,” Ingram recalls. “I was very blessed to have teachers who saw me early on. I had a teacher who would send me on errands around the school to get whatever and she would tell me what accent to do.”

Once Ingram fell in love with acting, she said the consequence of not being able to act “became a bargaining chip” for good behavior. As long as she behaved accordingly, she could continue acting. And act she did, all the way from her home city of Baltimore to Yale University where she chose to go by a new name: Moses. Moses isn’t a name typically heard in reference to anyone other than the famed, Biblical prophet—the same prophet that inspired Ingram’s stage name.

“So when we got to school [Yale] they wanted us to register our names because this is the first time they would be publicized so people can see them,” Ingram explains. “And before I got to Yale I had, had such a time just trying to make things work that my name just didn’t feel suited. So I prayed and asked God, ‘What is it? I know it’s not my name now, but it is something.’ And a few days later, I just heard Moses in my head and that was it.
