Playaz Eyez
I’ve on and off listened to him for ages, but this is probably his first start to finish album I really mess with. All the song titles are named after various Black historical figures, and that’s the reason I gave it a full listen. I don’t know who the producer are, but this one GOES and fits the whole theme he’s going for.
@FreshAIG @LevelUp @Hiphoplives4eva @calixprynce @KingsOfKings @Kalik @IronFist @Hood Critic @Wallychamp @JulesWinfield @tirademode @itsyoung!! @TillWeDie @Jigganaut @OaklandCertified @DaveyDave @Jasonmask @LeflaurLeflahEshkoshka @TrifeGod @PHamm @spliz @drugxglory @diggy
@FreshAIG @LevelUp @Hiphoplives4eva @calixprynce @KingsOfKings @Kalik @IronFist @Hood Critic @Wallychamp @JulesWinfield @tirademode @itsyoung!! @TillWeDie @Jigganaut @OaklandCertified @DaveyDave @Jasonmask @LeflaurLeflahEshkoshka @TrifeGod @PHamm @spliz @drugxglory @diggy