plot follows an elite team of soldiers who, to stop the collapse of humanity, descend on a radiation-poisoned town and perform the ultimate stealth mission using high-tech armor and weapons. But they need to be careful – with hell on Earth, they may just meet the devil. Chad Michael Collins, Jeff Fahey, and Antuone Torbert also star in the film.
Hank Braxtan is directing. Producers are Michael Lurie, Jeffrey Giles, Tarkan Dospil for production company Automatic Entertainment. The project is now in post-production
Michael Jai White & Chad Michael Collins Starring In ‘Dead Zone’ – Deadline
Hank Braxtan is directing. Producers are Michael Lurie, Jeffrey Giles, Tarkan Dospil for production company Automatic Entertainment. The project is now in post-production
Michael Jai White & Chad Michael Collins Starring In ‘Dead Zone’ – Deadline