This almost makes sense, i agree he has to go, btw your rant HHH is off, does he need to be there no, but Barrett and Ryback are not mania headliners.
ryback would easily be a me headliner at mania.
hypothetically anyone with a brain could easily book ryback into mania me status.
if brock was used accurrately, as the monster.
plus heyman was actually given a real threat as a stable manager.
to mastermind brock and punk securing the whc.
after brock interfered in hiac ripping the door off.
costing ryback the title.
leading into the brock holds the whc hostage, ryback in the chase angle.
yet, that would not happen.
as it would call for a change of perception for brock to be a higher draw in the eyes of the wwf book. which should have happened as far back as brock/cena.
also,...barrett was sabotaged all the way back when he was getting piles of chairs stacked on top of him.
of, which barrett will never recover and has no chance in hell of ever recovering, EVER!
which is also a call of the coo-in law's regime as well.
barrett should easily have been a wwe long time top heel.
as well, as adr a few mania's back.
case in point......
the reason why the shield works is only because they have shown no intention of the titles. which is why it works.
as it helps the smart and mark community suspend belief.
plus it is a thumb in the eye to tna at the same time.
if the shield was after having the wwe title or even the whc. or hell bent on take over, by having titles.
it would never work.
as anyone who has experienced wwe's past attempts at a stable take over angle as far back as heenan.
knows the wwe bullshyt quality would ruin it.
it is by sheer accident the wwe has kept the shield over.
which is only because the shield is kept away from the titles on purpose.
as real talk, black is better than anyone on the roster.
not named db or punk, easy.
which is why he sat in developmental for so long.
he is not allowed near the title in this angle or even a mention.
as the wwe knows they lack the booking to keep him from losing steam.
which is how they lauced't letting more green talent near the title then fukked it up.
you have to have higher quality booking to book a higher quality talent like black for the title in a stable angle. the shocking takeover green worker vying for the title angle has been exasperated.
you can not book a high quality talent after the mismanagement the wwe has done to talent from barrett to adr. which is why the shield is booked simple and in slow burn and short exposure and it works.
which is all because the wwe lacks the booking know how to pull off the full gamut of what the shield could be.
watch as the shield is slowly booked into a joke over time as well.
as this company lacks the know how to consistently get and keep the members over from the beginning.
watch as all three members of the shield endure the destruction of a draw from this company's ineptitude eventually, as well.
it is only a matter of time.
before alternatively,...the wwe makes the same mistakes they made with nxt, with barrett.
not to mention, adr.
whom they just ruined as a bf draw.
by having him booked to wrassle that wack angle ripoff swagger.
at mania of all places.......
whichi might i add is also part of paul piss pant's continued mania sabotage.
so feel free to partake in my other thread as well.
art barr