It's good to see support now, but where was this when Jonathan needed it most?
It was too hot lmao
It's good to see support now, but where was this when Jonathan needed it most?
They Franco & Seth were best friends since childhood?That's his childhood friend literally since teenagers. he still denies the allegations and was never convicted. your best friends word against the word of strangers
Even if you don't believe him and can no longer support them on principles. Publicly condemning them is a step too far.
Like one poster suggested, he could just said no comment and cut ties quietly.
Plus like i said, if your friend is engaging in foul behavior you can at least try to help them correct it, instead of immediate condemnation.
It's good to see support now, but where was this when Jonathan needed it most?
Since he isn't in Sinners they better team up in Sinners 2 or some shyt