Hood Critic
The Power Circle
They done snatched up one of the Knights Templar leaders...
Sanctioned thuggin'...is it going to work? How is going to affect the drug trade since the Gov is in bed with Sinaloa?
Sanctioned thuggin'...is it going to work? How is going to affect the drug trade since the Gov is in bed with Sinaloa?
The government said it had reached an agreement with vigilante leaders to incorporate the armed civilian groups into old and largely forgotten quasi-military units called the Rural Defense Corps. Vigilante groups estimate their numbers at 20,000 men under arms.
The twin announcements may help the administration of President Enrique Pena Nieto find a way out of an embarrassing situation in the western state of Michoacan, where vigilantes began rising up last February against the Knights Templar reign of terror and extortion after police and troops failed to stop the abuses.