So here is the deal folks, about what happened? Our site was getting heavy heat from DCMA for those who don't know about this kind of stuff its very common all it takes is removal of what they request bam boom done all good .. we have actually dealt with over 10 DCMA notices on site before and I have dealt with it.
Basically, mash got scared and left you guys hanging with no warning .. I have been loyalty to the dude this whole time but I'm sorry one thing I WONT do is sugar coat shyt because that is just not me. This situation was NOT handled properly .. we shouldv'e got a heads up to prepare so you guys aren't left hanging and I am furious about that.
Moving Forward...
I'm going to take advantage of this situation and be completely honest with you .. I've stayed with mashup this whole time out of loyalty but to be truthful with you guys we always clashed. I had so many ideas for mash to make the plugin better including things Ive brought to him to do that addons like genisis are just doing now I was telling him to do before those addons were even out .. things like changing the look .. making home simpler .. indexing .. cleaner and he wouldn't listen. Once I saw genisis I told him look man this is exactly what I pictured for mash but he is just tooo hard headed anyway the whole point of me talking about this is to say this .. this might just be a blessing in disguise .. for the longest time I have been on this plugin with 1,000,000 ideas on how to take it to the next level but trapped in dealing with only what he wanted to do .. now I have nothing stopping me in persuing an add-on of my own or possibly a partnership with an existing addon (hint hint) where all these ideas can come to fruition and you guys can benefit from.
We are in talks with a few devs that have already reached out to work with us and also opening doors to others also to go with the best option. Whatever we do no worries everyone that was on mashup will come along with so when we do get it done it will be like we never missed a beat.
I'm so sorry you guys were blind sighted and have to say I had NOTHING to do with how this was handled. I will always have your back and will never leave you dry for as long as I breathe. You guys have shown me soooooo much love .. I feel responsible .. you guys are family no matter how big that follow list gets every last one of you is family and I appreciate you all so I will ride for you until the wheels fall off. Hang in there and we will keep you updated on all things.
To answer some of your questions
What will happen to the stash?
For now onviously no stash but I have it all saved so not like its all lost once we are back up with an addon it will all be there
Will Mashup be back?
No it will not mashup was created by mash he does not want it to exist so no I wont copy his code or anything like that thats not how I operate.
How long will it take to get back up and running with something ?
depends if we join another plugin or if we create our own .. if we join could be only days if we create could be a month but whatever it is I'll sure be loosing sleep until it's sorted for you guys you can bet your life on that.
If you have any other questions feel free to tweet me .. love you all your humble, loyal , and UNFLINCHING! friend that will NEVER! leave you no matter how much heat .. HM #POW