Recent studies show that ninjas are basically the best thing in the history of ever. They're so awesome, in fact, that Mark of the Ninja can no longer be contained as an Xbox Live Arcade game alone. Look for Klei's latest creation to hit PC via Steam on Oct. 16.
I have a confession to make: I don't have an Xbox 360. I know, I know. As an American gamer, that's pretty much unheard of. Especially for an American gamer who spends half of their time writing about games. My personal reasons for not owning the console aside, every now and then a game comes out for the 360 that makes me question said non-purchasing decision. Mark of the Ninja is one such game. Everything I've seen and read about it makes me want to grab hold of it with both arms and smother it in a loving embrace.
That's why I'm extremely happy to hear MotN is coming to Steam, as I quite clearly own a computer. Now those of us who didn't bother with owning two main home consoles can finally take part in this stealth-kill-action-palooza, exclusivity be damned.
Think of Mark of the Ninja as a 2D version of Metal Gear Solid and you wouldn't be too far off. You move through enemy facilities trying to avoid detection, staying out of the light, hiding from guards and using misdirection to your advantage. You have all sorts of nifty ninja skills to make this process easier, as well as a wide array of ways to dispatch said enemy soldiers when they finally fall into one of your traps or just stray a bit too close to that shadow you're hiding in.
Hitting XBLA earlier this month, the developers are now telling Rock Paper Shotgun that the title is ready to branch out to Steam, giving even more gamer the chance to enjoy its violent goodness. Look for it on Valve's gaming service come Oct. 16 for $14.99.