It's funny how she went to the woman defense after being called out

It's funny how she went to the woman defense after being called outAlso for all the people who are using SCSA or Rock as arrogant faces, they also knew how to make the heels they went up against look like actual threats. Julst look at how many times did SCSA let Taker get one over on him, and how many times Rock let HHH look dominate. Today's faces suffer the Cena syndrome where they want to look bad ass 24/7. BTW: Henry was right and Becky acted just like all women who preach equality then fall back on gender.
On the latest episode of Busted Open Radio, WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry discussed the CM Punk Starrcast announcement, claiming that this appearance could be the potential stepping stone that could bring Punk back into professional wrestling.
The Punk side of this, you know sometimes you get bitter. Have you ever been screwed over? Have you been disrespected and taken for granted? Has anybody ever looked you at you in your face and said ‘Hey this is what’s going to happen,’ and then something completely different happens? That’s what he’s saying happened to him, and maybe we’re giving him too raw a deal. Maybe he needs to be able to come to grips with it himself before we cast judgement on him for abandoning what we love.
Henry continued, discussing how All Elite Wrestling would actually be a perfect fit for Punk, since it includes all of the aspects he's always asked for.
I think that [All Elite Wrestling] is tailor-made. It’s like, here you go, you wanted a platform, you wanted an equal footing with the marketing and the management, and the ownership, here’s equal footing. You get to have a conversation, and not only do you have the conversation, if you come up with ideas and stuff, you get credit for those ideas. You get more time, and if you deserve to be in the main event, then you deserve to be in the main event regardless of what else is going on. Sometimes you want to be put first, that’s the way it is in business: when you’re at the top of the game, you want to be put first.