Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972


Jun 21, 2012
I was looking to send my cousin in boston a seal skin hat for her upcoming birthday not realizing that seal skins are banned from export to the USA. It seems odd as the coyote skin and fur hat is not banned from export. What gives sea mammals this kind of gross overprotection when the majority of Canada's fur and animal skins come from native tribes who do their hunting in an ethical matter.

The question is: Is this government gone too far in stagnating the business of hunting certain kinds of animals and not others, especially if the animals in question are not on any endangered species list, nor are they of any threat to?

The Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (MMPA) was the first act of Congress to call specifically for an ecosystem approach to natural resource management and conservation. It was signed into law on October 21, 1972 (and took effect 60 days later on December 21, 1972) by President Richard Nixon. MMPA prohibits the taking of marine mammals, and enacts a moratorium on the import, export, and sale of any marine mammal, along with any marine mammal part or product within the United States. The Act defines "take" as "the act of hunting, killing, capture, and/or harassment of any marine mammal; or, the attempt at such." The MMPA defines harassment as "any act of pursuit, torment or annoyance which has the potential to either: a. injure a marine mammal in the wild, or b. disturb a marine mammal by causing disruption of behavioral patterns, which includes, but is not limited to, migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering." The MMPA provides for enforcement of its prohibitions, and for the issuance of regulations to implement its legislative goals.

hat in question
