making a big move advice

Harry Sax

Formally mr 321
May 1, 2012
so I live in a city where it aint much goin on at well paying jobs, little entertainment, little work in the streets, average hoes at best...I got ppls in Lauderdale in particular an uncle of mine who's tryin to get me to come down

I want to and have been wanting to for yrs, but I was never in the position to do so....currently im fukked up...and im ready to say fukk it and jus dip...its way more opportunity to make money, much more to do, basically a better if I go and shyt doesn't work out I always have the option of returning to my hometown, which is only 2 hrs away

offer a young breh some advice to successfully make that move and never have to look back

Asiatic Black Hebrew

Zulu passenger out of Africa
Jul 16, 2013
I never thought I'd actually say this, but YOLO :skip:

Gotta just go for it otherwise you'll spend the rest of your life wondering what could've happened. Like you said, worst case scenario you could always go back.

Plus the bytches in Lauderdale :ohlawd:

Just move down , find whatever job to get by while you try to find something legit. Then you'll naturally meet people from work & begin to network or whether. Before you know it you'll be up your neck in vaginal juices :myman:

True Blue Moon

May 2, 2012
VA. Living in the City of Angels
My advice is to move before you're ready. It's human nature to be a scared ass and wait for the stars to aline, the bank account to be perfect and the job prospects to be exactly the way you imagined. People who want something make it happen regardless. Immigrants move to LA and NYC, the two most expensive cities in the country, not speaking a bit of English and end up balling in a couple of years.

If you got a desire, a plan and the willingness to do whatever you have to in order to succeed, it'll work. If you wait until the perfect moment you'll either never do it, or miss opportunities that you could have gotten while you were in hungry survival mode.

Harry Sax

Formally mr 321
May 1, 2012
My advice is to move before you're ready. It's human nature to be a scared ass and wait for the stars to aline, the bank account to be perfect and the job prospects to be exactly the way you imagined. People who want something make it happen regardless. Immigrants move to LA and NYC, the two most expensive cities in the country, not speaking a bit of English and end up balling in a couple of years.

If you got a desire, a plan and the willingness to do whatever you have to in order to succeed, it'll work. If you wait until the perfect moment you'll either never do it, or miss opportunities that you could have gotten while you were in hungry survival mode.

this is my problem...I feel like if shyt isn't right here, how can I up and move somewhere else? I feel like I need a certain amount of money, a place to stay, etc...cause I HATE living off of ppl and dnt wanna be a burden to anybody at al, especially family that'll tell u yes even when they're not in a position to do so...I WHEN I move im def gonna have a plan...its a arts school there that I wanna attend for culinary ppls are heavy in the streets and got hella connections on everything so can have a lot of connect off the strength of for instance my uncle jus bought some forgis worth 9 bands, paid 2500 for em

and I can apply my new hustles that I learn down there and take em back home and help my nikkas get money

but yea I think imma stop waiting till im ready and just do it


Legendary Poster
May 1, 2012
Really aint no question. MAKE THAT MOVE. One life to live playboi


Half Man Half Mammal
May 1, 2012
I moved from NY, to LA, to Houston, to ATL, back to Houston and now im living in Austin. I regret nothing! Austin is the best place i have ever lived. I was broke when i moved my first couple times but here are some tips.

- Don't get caught up in finances to the point where you feel you cannot move because it will seem hopeless and that will discourage you and then you'll be stuck in a cycle.

-Set some money aside every month, start cutting back on the stuff you don't need. No dates, no eating nothing. It will be tough but it will pay off.

-Start applying for jobs and transfers ASAP. Apply for a temp agencies if you are having trouble finding one.

-Once you get a job lined up, start looking for a place ASAP. Consider roomates, it will be much easier and cheaper for you in the beginning.


Edit: Forgot, when you do move..sell things you don't need. Pack as lightly as you can, moving is expensive if you have alot of shyt. I sold all of my stuff my first time so that everything could fit in my 99 camry, It will save you so much headache and also put/keep money in your pocket

True Blue Moon

May 2, 2012
VA. Living in the City of Angels
this is my problem...I feel like if shyt isn't right here, how can I up and move somewhere else? I feel like I need a certain amount of money, a place to stay, etc...cause I HATE living off of ppl and dnt wanna be a burden to anybody at al, especially family that'll tell u yes even when they're not in a position to do so...I WHEN I move im def gonna have a plan...its a arts school there that I wanna attend for culinary ppls are heavy in the streets and got hella connections on everything so can have a lot of connect off the strength of for instance my uncle jus bought some forgis worth 9 bands, paid 2500 for em

and I can apply my new hustles that I learn down there and take em back home and help my nikkas get money

but yea I think imma stop waiting till im ready and just do it

Yeah, most definitely get your money right and throw something in the bank. Just don't catch yourself being too picky or particular about it, because that's usually fear manifesting itself. Like, there's no reason to feel the need to wait until you've saved $20,000 or something dumb like that lol. The best thing you can probably do is look for deals that let you get where you need to be, while allowing you to build up.

For instance, maybe live with a roommate or two, so that you're splitting the rent just to test the waters, and then get your own spot from there. This is good especially on a sublease basis, like let's say there's people who need someone to help with the rent for like three months until the lease is up. They're more likely to cut the price just to get someone in there. These are just examples, but even in the most expensive cities, there are deals to be had.

Also figure what you can do on your own, without having to depend on someone giving you a job. If you have any kind of talent, idea or anything that is of value to people, there is money there. We live in an age where you don't have to wait to make opportunities to happen, so def get your hustle on.

I'd say stack some emergency money so that at your very worse, you know you're not going to starve any given day. Other than that, ain't nothin to it but to do it. Don't ever let anything stop you from living the life you want to live, because the only limitations are the ones you place upon yourself. For every person who said I can't do that because of this, this and this, there was someone who else who had the same circumstances or worse, who said fukk fear and changed their life because they were sick of the bullshyt.

True Blue Moon

May 2, 2012
VA. Living in the City of Angels
Edit: Forgot, when you do move..sell things you don't need. Pack as lightly as you can, moving is expensive if you have alot of shyt. I sold all of my stuff my first time so that everything could fit in my 99 camry, It will save you so much headache and also put/keep money in your pocket

This is true. I had a 3 bedroom in Virginia and sold all my shyt that wouldn't fit in my car. Packed it up and drove from Virginia to Los Angeles. Slowly started building back up. It also makes you realize that you don't need or care about half the shyt you thought you did.

Harry Sax

Formally mr 321
May 1, 2012
Yeah, most definitely get your money right and throw something in the bank. Just don't catch yourself being too picky or particular about it, because that's usually fear manifesting itself. Like, there's no reason to feel the need to wait until you've saved $20,000 or something dumb like that lol. The best thing you can probably do is look for deals that let you get where you need to be, while allowing you to build up.

For instance, maybe live with a roommate or two, so that you're splitting the rent just to test the waters, and then get your own spot from there. This is good especially on a sublease basis, like let's say there's people who need someone to help with the rent for like three months until the lease is up. They're more likely to cut the price just to get someone in there. These are just examples, but even in the most expensive cities, there are deals to be had.

Also figure what you can do on your own, without having to depend on someone giving you a job. If you have any kind of talent, idea or anything that is of value to people, there is money there. We live in an age where you don't have to wait to make opportunities to happen, so def get your hustle on.

I'd say stack some emergency money so that at your very worse, you know you're not going to starve any given day. Other than that, ain't nothin to it but to do it. Don't ever let anything stop you from living the life you want to live, because the only limitations are the ones you place upon yourself. For every person who said I can't do that because of this, this and this, there was someone who else who had the same circumstances or worse, who said fukk fear and changed their life because they were sick of the bullshyt.

pretty much my uncle said he doesn't care if I slept on his couch until I get on my sound good, but he dnt be havin his own ass all the time...he livin good right now he knows several bad bytches so it'll be nuthin to get my dikk main focus is trying to build wealth...sometimes I feel old cause im goin on 26 and feel like I may have squandered too many opportunities in the past...I aint expecting to go there and start balling as soon as I hit the scene, but imma go give it a try...imma start lookin for jobs in the area

True Blue Moon

May 2, 2012
VA. Living in the City of Angels
pretty much my uncle said he doesn't care if I slept on his couch until I get on my sound good, but he dnt be havin his own ass all the time...he livin good right now he knows several bad bytches so it'll be nuthin to get my dikk main focus is trying to build wealth...sometimes I feel old cause im goin on 26 and feel like I may have squandered too many opportunities in the past...I aint expecting to go there and start balling as soon as I hit the scene, but imma go give it a try...imma start lookin for jobs in the area

Yeah dog, jump on that then. Even if your uncle doesn't have it all the time, it's an opportunity that most people don't have, even if you only ended up staying there for a couple weeks. But if he's not trippin at all, stay there for as long as you need to until you get your own spot. And hit him with some paper if you feel the need so you don't feel like a leach. I'm on that male pride shyt too, but this is what family is for at the end of the day too. Plus ya'll might get closer than ever. Life is about that too. If ya'll bond, fukk with hoes and just kick it, you'll always have that time. Ya'll will be getting together 10 years from now at Thanksgiving like, Remember those couple months when you stayed at the crib nephew? :obama:


Jun 23, 2012
Use your people's address on your resume and start looking for jobs in that area. In the mean time figure out the cheapest way to get there in case you have an interview and put that money to the side. Don't move until you have some employment lined up first. Then if you need to bum on someone's sofa for 3-6 month, do that until you get on your feet.


Jul 10, 2013
Make the move, the possibility of succeeding and doing better sounds greater than if you we're to stay. Save up some emergency funds and roll out. The shear anxiety of moving away to somewhere better with more opportunities will generate a thirst for survival. Be serious bout your shyt and you'll be alrite.