Madden Community tips for any system (Get in here if you in one)


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Look, I seen a few questions like this posted...

but who wants what.. im on here now

they need a feature that i can invite the whole coli so i could serve on a first come basis..
They have this bruh. Its called "quick match" when your in the community
The problem is nobody else knows this, so when you do it and it searches?
Nobody else is searching... so it won't connect you to anybody :upsetfavre:
Now another way to meet up with anybody in your community is to go to the Member list which is at the bottom of the page (RT on xbox or R2 on ps3)

Once your viewing the member list, it should be about 3pgs long or more by now on both systems. RB or R1 switches the pages of members.
A person online while have a green light by there name. Just cuz its green doesn't mean they not in a game tho
I can't speak for ps3 here, but on xbox.. the bottom option is to look at there gamerCard.
When you look at that, you see if they just waiting in the lobby, or in the 3rd Q of a ranked match :hula:
Once you find ppl who are not in a game, the best thing to do from there is to send that person a message saying you wanna play

You send an invite, the person may not respond, and you then have to back out of the waiting game and invite a new person. Save yourself the time, do it just like I'm saying and you'll have more games than you can handle :yes: