Chances make champions
based on storylines teased yesterday:
MITB [at least 1 more than likely 2]
Miz vs. Axel
Orton vs. Bryan
ADR vs. Ziggler
Cena vs. Mizark
That is card of the year. They will likely toss miz/axel and/or orton/bryan into the MITB matches because of time, and progress their fueds there into summerslam. Cool with me still. ADR vs. Ziggler is a solid 4 star..Punk vs. Lesnar could be a legit A+ MOTY candidate, orton vs. bryan, well, its Daniel bryan so it is AT ABSOLUTE WORSE an A-, and MITB matches bring out the absolute best in journeymen like Kofi Kingston and big show.
Likely MITB entrants:
Kofi, Cody, Sandow, Cesaro, RVD
, big show if healthy, Kane, all 3 of the shield, Wade Barrett (I expect him to win), Sin Cara (I expect him to botch), Sheamus. I expect Seth Rollins to steal the show if he is in it.
low key, MITB is at worst their 3rd best PPV anually, since it was created. L

MITB [at least 1 more than likely 2]
Miz vs. Axel
Orton vs. Bryan
ADR vs. Ziggler
Cena vs. Mizark

Likely MITB entrants:
Kofi, Cody, Sandow, Cesaro, RVD

low key, MITB is at worst their 3rd best PPV anually, since it was created. L