Long (very long, stupidly long) pathetic read... probably not worth reading!


Oct 28, 2012
Let me recount a story for you...

So I was travelling around Australia and I was working in this hostel. My hostel room slept 8 people but for the first time ever I was in this room on my own. This gorgeous girl moved in, she was stunning, we'll call her Bob. She had never been in a hostel before and seeing it was just me in this room she slept with a knife under her pillow for the first night. I probably would have raped. Anyway, the room fills up after a couple of days and its me, Bob and 4 other guys. Not only was Bob gorgeous but she was the nicest most down to earth person and very chilled out.
I spoke to a couple of the other guys in the room, and we were all pretty much in love with Bob. She had a boyfriend though who was on the other side of the country. Before she got there I was bedding this Japanese chick but I didn't really like her. As soon as this new girl came I threw her in the bushes. The Japanese girl came up to me drunk begging to sleep in my bed. I kept saying no. She ended up outside wailing. I've never heard anything like it, sounded like two Walruses having angry sex on a water bed. Bob went out and comforted her.

I caught feelings bad. Bob was a bad chick. She had flowing mousey brown hair, 36 D boobs. She did have hands bigger than mine but weirdly large hands and feet never bothered me, plus I have v. small hands. Most girls hands are bigger than mine. I use those nimble fellas to great effect. My fingers are all generals. One night the hostel orders a taxi and I get in. It turns out there was one too many people for the taxi and this other girl was going to miss out. I got out of the taxi and let her have my place, I was going to walk. The taxi was about to go and Bob clambered out of it in a hurry. We walked to the club together. We spoke about her life. She was in a good place now but she did have it pretty rough in the past. Her brother and dad died in the same year, and she also told me she was in an abusive relationship. It was sad, really sad.

We get to the club and she starts spending a lot of time with this Irish guy. I got jealous. Fukking irish guys. I didn't stick around. The next morning she asks me why I left. I don't tell her. Turns out she was just helping him because he was really drunk. Apparently I slept with my arm outstretched to her bed, she said I looked peaceful and she wanted to climb into it. Of course I said she could anytime. Mine and Bobs bed's are side by side. Later in the day she does crawl into my bed. We watch House together. She rests her hand ever so close to my penis. The whole time I'm trying not to get an erection. Picturing my grandma. Bob jumps into my concocted mental chastity belt and starts making out with old mi ma. It was hot. She later admitted she did this on purpose. Of course she did, girls do that.

Anyway we start spending a lot of time in each others bed. She felt my penis a couple of times. I didn't do anything. Why I can't tell you. Anyway Bobs boyfriend is going to meet up with her the next day and I'm in her bed. I pull down my boxers and start getting a hand-job from Bob. It turns into a blowjob. The next morning she goes to meet her boyfriend for a couple of days.

When she comes back, I'm not sure what will happen. It picks up again. When she came back she tried to find out if I slept with anyone. She told me that if I did she would have ended it and she said she knows how bad that was, what with her seeing her b/f and all. She was aware of her contradictions but they were there nonetheless. We spoke about the elephant in the room. Bob explained that she had lost a lot in life so when there's something special you have to go for it. Anyway, there were lots of awesome bl0wjobs but she wouldn't let me hit it.

I've already booked flights out of this place before I met Bob, so we've known each other for just over a month. I'm leaving the next day. One of the roomates jokes with her and asks her who her new 'buddy' will be. Bob is a little offended, she tells him that I can't be replaced. On the last night we have sex. It was fast. Bob came very early and had to finish me with a B.J. She comes back the next afternoon from work, locks the door and wants to have sex again... she doesn't know why we waited so long. I do. But I didn't have anymore condoms. She berates me as we live right next to a chemist. I honestly thought that that sex was the goodbye sex so nothing was on my mind. She gives me an awesome Bl0wjob goodbye instead. Before I leave she gives me a stone. Its her favorite stone. She bought one for herself and one for me.

On my train journey to get my flight I get a ridiculous amount of texts from her. It was an overnight train and they kept coming into the early morning. I really like this girl and I respond to everyone of them.

Anyway, I get back home. And she misses me for maybe another two weeks before its over for her. I still can't get over it. I send her messages and she replies because its the nice thing to do, not because she really wants to. I know this. I also knew that Bob started sleeping with someone else after me and it wasn't her BF. Eventually Bob leaves the hostel and is back with her BF. I know its over. I knew it was over before it even started. But my logic was always taking a backseat to my other self. I found myself in Australia again. I texted her seeing if she wanted to meet up... she was on holiday with her BF so she couldn't. She was but I kinda knew she didn't want to meet up anyway. There was no true hope for my text just something I had to do.

We first met in August. For her it was over in September. After the first two weeks of me being gone it was always me that initiated conversations. I knew it was over but I still couldn't help sending messages. Well a month ago, I had to tell myself that that was it. And it was.

Today she initiates the message sending for the first time since September. Its on the anniversary of her fathers death.

I know its just because it was the anniversary of her fathers death and she's feeling down, but I was off that hook. But I was ready to jump right back on it. I won't. But god damn it if that's not where I want to be, bait on a hook. I thought what we had was unique. I made the mistake of thinking what was unique for me was also unique for her.



Still hiding
Apr 4, 2013
Let me recount a story for you...

So I was travelling around Australia and I was working in this hostel. My hostel room slept 8 people but for the first time ever I was in this room on my own. This gorgeous girl moved in, she was stunning, we'll call her Bob. She had never been in a hostel before and seeing it was just me in this room she slept with a knife under her pillow for the first night. I probably would have raped. Anyway, the room fills up after a couple of days and its me, Bob and 4 other guys. Not only was Bob gorgeous but she was the nicest most down to earth person and very chilled out.
I spoke to a couple of the other guys in the room, and we were all pretty much in love with Bob. She had a boyfriend though who was on the other side of the country. Before she got there I was bedding this Japanese chick but I didn't really like her. As soon as this new girl came I threw her in the bushes. The Japanese girl came up to me drunk begging to sleep in my bed. I kept saying no. She ended up outside wailing. I've never heard anything like it, sounded like two Walruses having angry sex on a water bed. Bob went out and comforted her.

I caught feelings bad. Bob was a bad chick. She had flowing mousey brown hair, 36 D boobs. She did have hands bigger than mine but weirdly large hands and feet never bothered me, plus I have v. small hands. Most girls hands are bigger than mine. I use those nimble fellas to great effect. My fingers are all generals. One night the hostel orders a taxi and I get in. It turns out there was one too many people for the taxi and this other girl was going to miss out. I got out of the taxi and let her have my place, I was going to walk. The taxi was about to go and Bob clambered out of it in a hurry. We walked to the club together. We spoke about her life. She was in a good place now but she did have it pretty rough in the past. Her brother and dad died in the same year, and she also told me she was in an abusive relationship. It was sad, really sad.

We get to the club and she starts spending a lot of time with this Irish guy. I got jealous. Fukking irish guys. I didn't stick around. The next morning she asks me why I left. I don't tell her. Turns out she was just helping him because he was really drunk. Apparently I slept with my arm outstretched to her bed, she said I looked peaceful and she wanted to climb into it. Of course I said she could anytime. Mine and Bobs bed's are side by side. Later in the day she does crawl into my bed. We watch House together. She rests her hand ever so close to my penis. The whole time I'm trying not to get an erection. Picturing my grandma. Bob jumps into my concocted mental chastity belt and starts making out with old mi ma. It was hot. She later admitted she did this on purpose. Of course she did, girls do that.

Anyway we start spending a lot of time in each others bed. She felt my penis a couple of times. I didn't do anything. Why I can't tell you. Anyway Bobs boyfriend is going to meet up with her the next day and I'm in her bed. I pull down my boxers and start getting a hand-job from Bob. It turns into a blowjob. The next morning she goes to meet her boyfriend for a couple of days.

When she comes back, I'm not sure what will happen. It picks up again. When she came back she tried to find out if I slept with anyone. She told me that if I did she would have ended it and she said she knows how bad that was, what with her seeing her b/f and all. She was aware of her contradictions but they were there nonetheless. We spoke about the elephant in the room. Bob explained that she had lost a lot in life so when there's something special you have to go for it. Anyway, there were lots of awesome bl0wjobs but she wouldn't let me hit it.

I've already booked flights out of this place before I met Bob, so we've known each other for just over a month. I'm leaving the next day. One of the roomates jokes with her and asks her who her new 'buddy' will be. Bob is a little offended, she tells him that I can't be replaced. On the last night we have sex. It was fast. Bob came very early and had to finish me with a B.J. She comes back the next afternoon from work, locks the door and wants to have sex again... she doesn't know why we waited so long. I do. But I didn't have anymore condoms. She berates me as we live right next to a chemist. I honestly thought that that sex was the goodbye sex so nothing was on my mind. She gives me an awesome Bl0wjob goodbye instead. Before I leave she gives me a stone. Its her favorite stone. She bought one for herself and one for me.

On my train journey to get my flight I get a ridiculous amount of texts from her. It was an overnight train and they kept coming into the early morning. I really like this girl and I respond to everyone of them.

Anyway, I get back home. And she misses me for maybe another two weeks before its over for her. I still can't get over it. I send her messages and she replies because its the nice thing to do, not because she really wants to. I know this. I also knew that Bob started sleeping with someone else after me and it wasn't her BF. Eventually Bob leaves the hostel and is back with her BF. I know its over. I knew it was over before it even started. But my logic was always taking a backseat to my other self. I found myself in Australia again. I texted her seeing if she wanted to meet up... she was on holiday with her BF so she couldn't. She was but I kinda knew she didn't want to meet up anyway. There was no true hope for my text just something I had to do.

We first met in August. For her it was over in September. After the first two weeks of me being gone it was always me that initiated conversations. I knew it was over but I still couldn't help sending messages. Well a month ago, I had to tell myself that that was it. And it was.

Today she initiates the message sending for the first time since September. Its on the anniversary of her fathers death.

I know its just because it was the anniversary of her fathers death and she's feeling down, but I was off that hook. But I was ready to jump right back on it. I won't. But god damn it if that's not where I want to be, bait on a hook. I thought what we had was unique. I made the mistake of thinking what was unique for me was also unique for her.




Oct 28, 2012
Bro, I'm not sure what you should do!

Well there's only two options. I reply or I don't reply. Buy ya know me well, I like her even if she doesn't like me. So in her time of need I should respond... but the only problem with that is I don't know what to say to her anymore!


Apr 30, 2012
Text something back so that we have updates.

aamof, text her those last lines you wrote,
"I know its just because it was the anniversary of her fathers death and she's feeling down, but I was off that hook. But I was ready to jump right back on it. I won't. But god damn it if that's not where I want to be, bait on a hook. I thought what we had was unique. I made the mistake of thinking what was unique for me was also unique for her.

Great story, will check for updates. :tu:


Oct 28, 2012
Text something back so that we have updates.

aamof, text her those last lines you wrote,
"I know its just because it was the anniversary of her fathers death and she's feeling down, but I was off that hook. But I was ready to jump right back on it. I won't. But god damn it if that's not where I want to be, bait on a hook. I thought what we had was unique. I made the mistake of thinking what was unique for me was also unique for her.

Great story, will check for updates. :tu:

I don't know man. On the anniversary of her dads death, thats a little cold. I've already wrote some pretty cringe worthy (honest is often cringe worthy) sh1t to her in the past.

Every time I write something to her I end up thinking WTF. The only girl that has ever got me twisted.


Apr 30, 2012
I don't know man. On the anniversary of her dads death, thats a little cold. I've already wrote some pretty cringe worthy (honest is often cringe worthy) sh1t to her in the past. Take this for example-

I can't quite find the words to fully show my feelings for you. But lets just say through many a midnight walk I stumble upon a hazel stone which, as is there way, catches the light from the full moon. It glimmers brightly, it's rays lighting up the dark night. On picking it up and inspecting the stone a world of possibilities becomes open to me, flowing from the hazel into my horizon. Through your eyes the sky's expand, the stars take on new life and the sun's gaze remains firmly fixed upon me. It is joy. But reality has a bite to it, and sometime's it's one's lot to spend just a few minutes glowing in that glorious sun before it's light is extinguished into the abyss of its birth. Even though it seems not much, and the sun was only there for a mere hesitant breath, through memories it is granted eternal life, taking its place in a spot beyond time for me to hold and treasure.

Every time I write something to her I end up thinking WTF. The only girl that has ever got me this twisted.

I'm sure you can cut it down to 2 sentences. :ld:


Waxing Intellectual
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection

And the hands being bigger than his, lol how small or how big is she?!?!


A rose is rose...

I've clicked with women before, where it could've been something more...should've been something more, but the timing was off...and she seem like a free spirit anyway. Take it for what it was worth, enjoy that moment for what is was...sometimes life blesses us with those situations.


Your objective semi-troll
May 9, 2012
Man hands :krs:


Story was cool, updates as they coming along, please.
May 15, 2013
good luck op, im in the same boat. I gotta wait a couple weeks till they come back :sadcam:


May 6, 2012
You decide to name a woman "Bob" for story purposes? :please:

"Bob came very early..." :stopitslime:

I'm starting to think this "Bob" is really Bob and not a play name breh.



Oct 28, 2012
And the hands being bigger than his, lol how small or how big is she?!?!


A rose is rose...

I've clicked with women before, where it could've been something more...should've been something more, but the timing was off...and she seem like a free spirit anyway. Take it for what it was worth, enjoy that moment for what is was...sometimes life blesses us with those situations.

Trust me that when I say you'd sleep with this girl you would. In a heart beat. She's quite tall probably 5'8, skinny, big t1ts, a quarter armenian. One time she was on her back, her stomach dipped in and those two glorious boobs just sat there, so nice and round. I motourboated those sunn'a'b1tches like there was no tomorrow. I know I wrote it a little off but that was just for writing purposes. But her face was what did it for me. Think Ashlyn rae face.

Cars honked their horns at this girl.