Lol@the visual of the Haku/Brutus Beefcake story

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
In the zone, Haku marched into the dressing room where he found Beefcake taking a shower. Not even waiting for him to finish, Haku grabbed Beefcake by the throat and pushed him into a wall, lifting him clean off the ground with one hand and choking him out.

None of the boys who witnessed it dared do a thing to help because they were all so terrified of Haku and his mighty reputation. Hogan caught sight of the incident and desperately tried to calm Haku down, eventually talking him into letting Beefcake go.

:russ: Imagine Haku running into a shower stall screaming and lifting Beefcake off his feet with the Tongan death grip mid-shower, then Hoegan coming in like “PLEASE LET HIM GO BROTHER”!
May 21, 2012
"There are 3 types of men: tough men, wrestler-tough men, and then there's Meng." Arn Anderson

"Don't ever think that anybody would mess with Haku. If he was a young guy and he got into MMA, my god — he'd have done everything! He was the toughest son of a bytch I've ever met in my whole life. No lie, take my word for it." Ric Flair

"He would have made a huge splash in the MMA world. I don't know of a human being alive that could take out Meng in his prime. I really don't. One story I remember was when it took like 13 guys to get him out of a bar with Ric Flair. He was pepper sprayed and laughed at the cops and broke the cuffs right in front of them. This was a totally different human being." Goldberg

"“Meng was never fired from WCW because no one was brave enough to do it. On one particular day, Greg Gagne and I walked into the locker room and interrupted a conversation between Meng and Chris Candido, Chris Jericho, and Tammy Sytch. Meng immediately looked at the pair of us and said, "Hey! Apologize to my friends. I’m talking to them." The entire room went silent, and everyone just froze. It was then that I realized the stories about Meng weren’t just legends. Gagne and I apologized to them and waited for the conversation to finish before speaking with Meng.” - Eric Bischoff

"The toughest man I've ever met in my life. He took his two fingers on his right hand, his index finger and trigger finger, and he reached into a guy's mouth and he broke off the guy's bottom teeth. I wouldn’t have believed it, if I didn't see it for myself. The only two men in the world that Andre [the Giant] feared were Meng and Harley Race.” Bobby Heenan

"If I had a gun and was sitting inside a tank with one shell left and Meng is 300 yards away, he's mine, right? Well the first thing I'm going to do is jump out of the tank and shoot myself because I don't want to wound that son of a bytch and have him pissed off at me." Jake Roberts

"Nobody else would stand a chance. Not even a question. He could kill everyone without blinking and there is nothing anyone could do about it." Perry Saturn

"I was in LA one time with him and he fought eight cops, they shot him with mace and he closed his eyes and sucked it in. He just opened his mouth and took a deep breath. I mean, some of the stuff he did was like 'What the hell'. Scotty and I always thought we were tough guys but that was before we met Meng." —Rick Steiner

"I've said it before, and I'll say it again, and you guys keep sending me e-mails asking me about it- "Who was the baddest motherfukker in the business?"- it was Meng. His name was Haku, or whatever his real deal name was- he had several different gimmicks- and nobody, basically nobody who was in the know will dispute that fact." Stone Cold Steve Austin

"Some of the guys got into a fight and Meng got involved. He was just trying to help and in the process of trying to help, he gets maced by 4 cops and handcuffed. Now they handcuffed him behind his back and then he said "Is this it?" and he broke the handcuffs. He snapped them." Ted Dibiase

“On one occasion, when I was a booker in WCW, I asked Meng to do something that wasn’t major, but it wasn’t completely the right thing to do. Meng got a little upset, and it was the most scared I’ve ever been in my entire life, despite Meng not being that angry.

“I’ve also used Meng to my advantage when I had to inform a few guys that they would be losing an upcoming match. When the wrestlers became upset and told me they refused to do the job, I told them that, instead of arguing, I would just go get Meng and have him take care of the situation. The guys immediately agreed to lose their matches if I promised not to go get Meng.”
- Kevin Sullivan

Even in this carny ass industry known for its lies and bullshyt the one consistency everyone has is how fukking badass Haku was :wow:


The King of Comedy
May 1, 2012
Detroit, MI
That man needs to quit bullshytting and come straighten out my rocker arms.