Lol an open sourced 3rd party brought back Runescape Classic and you're allowed to bot on there


Apr 8, 2021
Schooling people takes forever; don't bother
called open runescape or runescape classic preservation (RSCP), play here

If you have unobtained childhood desires to get a maxed account on runescape classic, just run their built-in scripts on their Coleslaw server and you can bot to a maxed account or PK people on their 5 different servers

they added some new features to represent classic more than old school RS2 called cabbage, and coleslaw is the bot-enabled server

i got a few nostalgia hits getting dragon slayer/legend's quest done the hard way without flinching or cheesing the quests like on OSRS and that high of achievement felt pretty damn good

=== read this shyt if you want to get started ===

....if you do end up playing coleslaw, which is their double xp botting server with built in scripts, it takes a while to gotta download their desktop version and get the right version of java to run it because it's an old game that has compatibility issues...

download the desktop client

then download and install this version of java 8

then go to the start menu and search for environment variables and open environment variables at the bottom

go make a new variable name called JAVA_HOME and write the path value, usually C:\Program Files\OpenLogic\jdk-8.0.382.05-hotspot
and under the existing variable called Path, write in an additional path value, usually C:\Program Files\OpenLogic\jdk-8.0.382.05-hotspot\bin

this connects the game to the right java if you have another java to run other programs like jdownloader2, and close out of the system variables page

with higher display resolutions on new computer screens, the OG game is going to look tiny if you didn't download and install jarfix, which fixes resolution errors and small screens for older games

go to your main download folder and run OpenRSC.jar where you let the game update itself and checkmark the botting option to download the extra botting scrips and files

now, you have to compile the game for all the botting scripts to run and load up in java as the sidebar of the game, located in your download folder: '~\Downloads\Cache\extras\idlersc\IdleRSC-master' and run compile_windows.bat or run the linux version, etc

if this all compiles successfully, close out of the game and then go back to your main download folder and run OpenRSC.jar and checkmark the botting to run the coleslaw server and it should load up

register accounts on the main website and drop down to coleslaw

search thru the scripts and start botting your way into maxed levels and you can make alts to feed your main stuff, (where one computer can run like 5-6 scripted accounts on loop before things stalls out and stops working) like grind for 85 mining and 99 smithing to unlock the money makers early and high alch your way into buying other things in the auction house

otherwise, their discord is here if you need more help setting up and getting started
