You need a beta key invite to play though
I remember signing up for it a while back but I still ain't get a key.
The impressions from those that's playing it says it's like LBP2 but better on Vita.
I remember signing up for it a while back but I still ain't get a key.
The impressions from those that's playing it says it's like LBP2 but better on Vita.
Early impressions after 2 levels (I'm not going to reveal new stuff) :
-Technically looks georgeous, really polished. I'd say it's exactly like in LBP2, but in this small screens seems better. It moves really smooth, can't say if it's 30fps or 60fps because I never have been good with this stuff.
-And I don't know if it's because of the level design, but controls look like more polished than in PS3.
-The constact touchscreen stuff to hide, move or reveal platforms gives to the game an unique personality. This stuff reminds me of the Move stuff.
-LBP, forget the PS3. Vita is your perfect fit, marry her and live together forever.
Controls have been adjusted/improved to a point where your movements with Sackboy are more predictable (i.e. less travel when landing from jumps, falling slightly faster, etc.). So in a nutshell, Sackboy is no Mario, but the controls are improved over LBP2.