Lionsgate Debuts the Trailer for Sci-Fi Thriller Kin


The official Chaplain of the Coli
May 18, 2012
Minor spoilers. Decent flick. Best parts of the movie is when Eli (the black boy) is bussin his gun and the last 20 minute. There is a major reveal which surprised me but I won't spoil it. It ain't my thread so you can if you want. There definitely a lot of borrowing from alot sci-films,one of which is Terminator. Once you see it, you'll know why I pointed that out. Random: Eli for some reason reminds me Michael/Triston Wildes when he was a kid.. But Eli as an actor. Not bad. Nothing cringeworthy. Basically, he being raised this white guy and the white guy has a son who just touch down from jail named Jimmy. Jimmy always make bad decisions and got involved with some bad people while he was locked up. He owes these people 60 bands and he doesn't have it. The man whom he is owes is played by James Franco. For me, it's hard to take him seriously as a tough guy. I don't buy it at first but eventually I just accepted it. Well, one thing leads to another and Eli (black kid) and his brother are the run.

Alot this take places in Detroit and since I'm from here it's not really authentic. From the opening scene I knew it was the D b/c of the bandos but it's mostly Whites that showed. Which it's laughable if you ever been here. And see James Franco and his white crew running is the streets of Detroit ain't gonna happen.

Now, there is one character I didn't mention and that's Zoe Kravitz.She plays a stripper (salute our Black queens) and plays some role in the progression of the story. (Her butt is lacking but she plays the eye candy role.) She ok in this film but nothing memorable.

Special Effects was kinda sweet. Particularly, how some of the aliens are able to track a person. Main problem with this film was plot holes, and just unrealistic scenarios. I get with sci-fi film it's gonna stretch reality. But some stuff it was just too much of a stretch. Just lazy. Now, the last 20 minute made up for but not enough for me to call it a good film. As I stated earlier the best parts is when he's bussin. Alot of that doesn' come to the end though. The stars of the film is really Eli and his brother.
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The official Chaplain of the Coli
May 18, 2012
I wouldn't rank it as low as them but there's a lot of agreement.