Lex Luger Speaks


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Jul 8, 2012
The North

On his first match with Flair: "He came down to Florida and we did an hour broadway. He was so incredible. Ric's not only been a big star but a big star-maker. I was so new, he called a move which is a very standard move called a sunset flip, and I didn't know what it was yet!"

On how he views some of his better matches: "In retrospect, with a little bit of wisdom, I can see how fortunate I was to be matched up with those kind of guys, and how they hand-picked those guys for me. They liked my look but they always matched me up with really experienced, incredible guys in the ring, and I really benefitted from that greatly of course, looking back on it now. But at the time I was thinking, 'How wonderful am I, I really am The Total Package!'"

On The Undertaker: "Mark may not think it's very funny, but his last match on WCW pay-per-view, on a dare from Ric Flair - I always wore black tights usually - he dared me to wear something colorful, so just to rib the Nature Boy I wore pink tights. So my joke with Undertaker always is 'Hey, I torture racked you on a pay-per-view with pink tights on. What do you think of that Mr. Undertaker?!'"

On rumors that he was initially slated to win the WWF Title at WrestleMania 10: "I've read that, it was even on my Wikipedia for a while. They said I was in the hotel drunk the night before WrestleMania giving out the finish that I was going to be champion, and so Vince got mad and decided to change it. I read that and I laughed because I was nowhere near WrestleMania, I was in Hartford, Connecticut with my wife and kids all that week because that's where her friends lived. I was nowhere near New York City or the hotel! I made enough bad decisions, I didn't need any embellishment. People didn't need to make anything up!"

On WCW drug testing: "They were testing, but we were cheating. False samples, etcetera. They legitimately were testing, and they didn't approve of it, and if you got caught there were penalties involved. So it wasn't like a 'wink wink' kind of thing, they definitely had testing and rules in place. But guys like me were finding ways around the testing."

On the WWE Confidential episode that aired Lex's 911 call when Elizabeth Hulette died: "I never saw that, I heard about it at the time. I was a bad guy in a bad situation at the time. I tell young people now that we reap what we sow. It's not just a case of 'It's my body, I'll do what I do with drugs or alcohol,' there's a ripple effect. Elizabeth was highly respected, the first lady of wrestling, she always will be, and it was a real tragedy. And I definitely was a strong influence on her and I definitely played a role.

"And people say 'Well, you didn't force her to make those decisions to take drugs or alcohol,' but I was definitely a strong influence at the time. So, definitely regrets over that, obviously it was a horrible loss and a tragedy. And whatever WWE did at the time, yes it was scandalous, there wasn't really any other way of portraying it. And I think Vince wanted people to know that 'Hey gang, here's what can happen.' So I didn't ever see that but I didn't have any hard feelings over them doing that, because, hey, my life was what it was back then."

On the possibility of his best friend Sting joining WWE:"Man, as a fan I'd love to see that. I'd love to see him and Undertaker. Then the following year they could induct him into the WWE Hall of Fame. It'd be great, I'd love to see that."


Legalize us.
Jul 8, 2012
The North
That was quite candid of Lex. I need to quit bs'ing and grab his book. .. He's lived quite the life and his story seems like it'd be a damn good read.

Actually received the book in the mail today. Might not get a chance to read it right away though. Should be interesting.

Ill Lou Malnati

Be Well.
Apr 30, 2012
Good read. Glad to see he's humble and appreciative of the good things he's had in life and admits and owns up to the bad things he's done as well.


Apr 30, 2012
Seems like a real self aware dude.. Hate he had to go thru all the shyt that's happened to get there but good to see he is in a decent space mentally...