Top 5 flick
Citizen Kane
Shawshank Redemption
Godfather II
Forrest Gump
Blood Sport
Blood Sport is so good it was the career climax of anyone involved.
Jackson is just a Viking in Capital One commercials
Bolo had a brolic ass son who will have to start his own legacy.
Asian dude with glasses? BUSHES
The city they filmed it in? Demolished.
Who directed that shyt? That info is with Amelia Earhart.
Frank Dux lived the story but the best part of his life is that movie.
Forest Whitaker is in that movie and his eye only got lazier after.
Plus when dude flash backed, his younger self wore a NY Giants jersey with a SF Giants Hat. NO ONE gets away with that ignorance but this movie did.
This movie makes every other movie say "Matte"
Kumite! Kumite! Kumite! Kumite! Kumite! Kumite! Kumite! Kumite! Kumite!