The shyt is straight IC status now. Jack Swagger carrying the belt then getting a phenomenal burial was rust on the big gold belt, sheamus taking it from bryan in 18 seconds was throwing it in the trash...big show jobbing in epic fashion to ADR on free tv with a PPV ABOUT TO AIR was DEAD status.
HHH...Rko...mark henry..edge...and taker are the dudes who made that shyt matter. Other than that its MITB stepping stone garbage.
In 2013:
WWE BELT = wwe belt
WHC = ic strap
IC = wcw tv title
US title = europeon title
Nxt title = light heavyweight title
It disgusts me
Sent from Seattle, by way of Ann Arbor on Tapatalk: The Remix
HHH...Rko...mark henry..edge...and taker are the dudes who made that shyt matter. Other than that its MITB stepping stone garbage.
In 2013:
WWE BELT = wwe belt
WHC = ic strap
IC = wcw tv title
US title = europeon title
Nxt title = light heavyweight title
It disgusts me
Sent from Seattle, by way of Ann Arbor on Tapatalk: The Remix