Let's Help a Sister Out: Makeover Edition


Nov 25, 2014

Here we have two beautiful black women killing their looks with tragic dress, hair, and makeup choices. How would you elevate their look? They look like 5-6s now, but with the right choices I bet we could get them up to 8-9s.

Let's be real here. There are only a few black women who can pull off blonde hair. Kang B does it occasionally, Rihanna too, and Nicki looks a mess blonde. Unfortunately these two lovelies are not in that group who can pull it off. They need to let that go.

They can stick with the weave, but I would love to see a lovely dark chocolate brown with some natural highlights, and some more natural looking weave on them. Or they could go natural. I bet they would look fabulous with twist outs.


This is easily the most tragic of the things going wrong with these two beauties. Babies no no no. If you must wear blush realize that as a black woman bright colors are usually a no, and definitely a no in high amounts. Got these two cuties out here looking like clowns. :mjcry: A nice peach or golden brown just slightly brushed on would look lovely. That damn lipstick. :snoop: You just cannot go bold on the lips AND other areas of dress and makeup. You can go into clownish territory when you do. I think they could have pulled the lips off with either a solid black or white dress, and very muted makeup everywhere else. No blush, those lips, eye shadow close to their skin tone in a shimmery shade with their hair laid, and they would look FABULOUS!

That Dress
That red dress alone was gorgeous, and beautifully showed their curves. That dress with that makeup and hair was a tragedy though. Getting too matchy matchy with your makeup and clothes brings you closer to clown territory. Complementing your clothes with your colors is a much safer choice. Again if you go bold in one area you have to tone it down in others. That red dress would look gorgeous with some nude makeup, or their lips would look fab with a nice dark solid dress.

What would y'all do to help these lovely ladies out? This is all in love and all my opinion (I would love to hear yours, and maybe one of you messier girls can tweet this thread to them. :sas1:
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