Its a known fact that Nashty Nash made Pringles and practically everyone that he played with during his time with the Nash, literally everyone had there career high's with Nash.

The Lakers with Kobe & Phil and the sh!t-sandwich were 1 Kwame fukking Brown rebound away in game 6 away from beating the number 2 seed, that's how badly Pringles got out-coached by Phil, even though Pringles had an extraordinary amount of talent compared to the Lakers. And Pringles vs. Popavich was such a big mis-match. But,

Cokehead Buss thought that in 2013 Pringles with an older Nash would somehow create the same amount of magic.

If there is anyone that made Nash, it was Nellie. Nash didn't do anything with the Suns his 1st 2 seasons, but once he got the chance to be PG for the Mav's, was when he started to rise. shyt he was a 2X All Star with the Mav's and the Mav's could have made it to the 03 Finals if Dirk didn't get hurt. Nellie ball was similar to the Run N Gun Pringles ran, but Nelson is better than Pringles at literally everything there is at coaching.