Two very interesting articles about violence against black women, and how it goes unrecognized.
Very telling quote from one of the articles.
Have you ever been a victim of violence? Do you know anyone who has? Why is it so normalized in our community?
Very telling quote from one of the articles. for Black women, it’s an even bigger problem: Black women are almost three times as likely to experience death as a result of DV/IPV than White women. And while Black women only make up 8% of the population, 22% of homicides that result from DV/IPV happen to Black Women and 29% of all victimized women, making it one of the leading causes of deathfor Black women ages 15 to 35. Statistically, we experience sexual assault and DV/IPV at disproportionate rates and have the highest rates of intra-racial violence against us than any other group. We are also less likely to report or seek help when we are victimized.
Have you ever been a victim of violence? Do you know anyone who has? Why is it so normalized in our community?