I'm gonna just randomly make up some BS. And we are going to see how far this can go. This is just for fun.
I have no idea of the genre in my mind. I'm just going to write the first thing I think of. And you do the same. If all goes well we end up with some monstrosity of a script. ONE thing is to try to keep the previous posters character and keep him in line with what the previous person wrote. Like If I write a character like Bruce Willis in Die Hard don't try to write Dialogue like he's Smokey in Friday. Keep it in character for that particular character. If you introduce you own character than by all means keep his voice. Also if you see something being done wrong feel free to chime in.
A middle aged man plants a for sale sign into the tall grass of a recently vacant modern residence. A HOMEOWNER from across the street watches while sipping his morning cup of Joe. Interested as to what led to the house being up for sale, he questions the middle aged man, who stares at the placement of the sign.
HOMEOWNER: "So, What happened?"
MIDDLE AGED MAN: "I don't follow"
HOMEOWNER: "The Occupants? Money Problems? This recession has been hell, a good chunk of the neighborhood is moving away"
MIDDLE AGED MAN: "No, No, Not that. Apparently the Nixon's suffered delusions of an otherworldly problem"
HOMEOWNERLaughing) "Are you serious? You mean like ghost?"
I have no idea of the genre in my mind. I'm just going to write the first thing I think of. And you do the same. If all goes well we end up with some monstrosity of a script. ONE thing is to try to keep the previous posters character and keep him in line with what the previous person wrote. Like If I write a character like Bruce Willis in Die Hard don't try to write Dialogue like he's Smokey in Friday. Keep it in character for that particular character. If you introduce you own character than by all means keep his voice. Also if you see something being done wrong feel free to chime in.
A middle aged man plants a for sale sign into the tall grass of a recently vacant modern residence. A HOMEOWNER from across the street watches while sipping his morning cup of Joe. Interested as to what led to the house being up for sale, he questions the middle aged man, who stares at the placement of the sign.
HOMEOWNER: "So, What happened?"
MIDDLE AGED MAN: "I don't follow"
HOMEOWNER: "The Occupants? Money Problems? This recession has been hell, a good chunk of the neighborhood is moving away"
MIDDLE AGED MAN: "No, No, Not that. Apparently the Nixon's suffered delusions of an otherworldly problem"
HOMEOWNERLaughing) "Are you serious? You mean like ghost?"