Lebron and the double standard....Took this from a poster on realGM


May 26, 2012
Basically... players need to fall in line and allow only the owners or GM's to dictate their career paths is what you are saying? Lebron gave the Cavs SEVEN years and they could not sign, draft or trade for ONE legit All-Star in his prime. Not ONE. So Lebron took his career in his own hands(Like KG even told him to do after they beat him in 2010..don't waste time is what KG told him.. don't make the same mistake he did in Minn), and went to play for one of the best run organziations in the league, to control his own destiny, took less money to play with a core tht could contend for years.

Wade was the same age Paul Peirce was when their Big 3 teamed up.. and KG refused to go to Boston until they landed Ray Allen.

Seriously... Howard didnt want to be traded to the Lakers so that made it ok? LOL. He held a franchise hostage for 2 years and embarressed their whole ogrniazation. Lebron had the dumb "decision" yet he played out his contract and moved on. NO ONE was going to Cleveland on their own... at least not a player in their prime. No player ever has. Not a shot at the Cavs.. just reality. Orlando is an attractive place for players and Orlando got key players to sign their in their prime like TMac and Hill. Players would have gone to Orlando had Howard asked them too...he didnt.

No other team gets the hate Miami does.. which is fine, but dont pretend it's close. Yes, Lebron did the stupid "Decision" which he apoligized for and was Jim Gray's idea. Also, the "not one, not two, etc" which was stupid but Riley had that pep rally planned just like he did for Shaq in 2004 and no one cared. No one cared when Shaq promised a title before ever wearing a Heat uniform.

Bottom line is people like you make up reasons to hate Lebron. It's ok that other players have played on STACKED teams..but ONLY when the ownership or GMs make it happen. Since Kobe has had great management his whole career and played with greats like Shaq, Howard, Gasol in their prime, it's all good? But since Lebron had to join one of the worst franchises in basketball.. how dare he join with other top players, right?

Look at the Cavs when Lebron was drafted in 2003 and look at the Lakers in 96 when Kobe was drafted. This guy has played for loaded teams since his career started in 96. From Shaq, Eddie Jones, NVE to Malone and GP, Gasol, Howard, Nash.. etc. Yet the two years he didnt have a stacked team.. what happened? He demanded a trade in 2006. But that's ok right? Thing is, I'm not hating on Kobe.. he demands management to make it happen.. and they have. If not, he would leave. Let's not forget he had Phil Jackson and never wina ring without him. I say the same for Wade. Look what Riley has given him in his career? Shaq basically still in his prime, then Lebron and Bosh. There is a reason Kobe and Wade will both never wear another team's uniform.. their ownership and managment.

It was ok when Charle Barkely in his prime demanded a trade becasue Philly sucked? Or Melo demanded a trade because he wanted to play in NY? Or CP3 demanded a trade?

The double standard on here and in the NBA world by fans is amazing..


Jun 15, 2012
Detroit/Los Angeles
Basically... players need to fall in line and allow only the owners or GM's to dictate their career paths is what you are saying? Lebron gave the Cavs SEVEN years and they could not sign, draft or trade for ONE legit All-Star in his prime. Not ONE. So Lebron took his career in his own hands(Like KG even told him to do after they beat him in 2010..don't waste time is what KG told him.. don't make the same mistake he did in Minn), and went to play for one of the best run organziations in the league, to control his own destiny, took less money to play with a core tht could contend for years.

Wade was the same age Paul Peirce was when their Big 3 teamed up.. and KG refused to go to Boston until they landed Ray Allen.

Seriously... Howard didnt want to be traded to the Lakers so that made it ok? LOL. He held a franchise hostage for 2 years and embarressed their whole ogrniazation. Lebron had the dumb "decision" yet he played out his contract and moved on. NO ONE was going to Cleveland on their own... at least not a player in their prime. No player ever has. Not a shot at the Cavs.. just reality. Orlando is an attractive place for players and Orlando got key players to sign their in their prime like TMac and Hill. Players would have gone to Orlando had Howard asked them too...he didnt.

No other team gets the hate Miami does.. which is fine, but dont pretend it's close. Yes, Lebron did the stupid "Decision" which he apoligized for and was Jim Gray's idea. Also, the "not one, not two, etc" which was stupid but Riley had that pep rally planned just like he did for Shaq in 2004 and no one cared. No one cared when Shaq promised a title before ever wearing a Heat uniform.

Bottom line is people like you make up reasons to hate Lebron. It's ok that other players have played on STACKED teams..but ONLY when the ownership or GMs make it happen. Since Kobe has had great management his whole career and played with greats like Shaq, Howard, Gasol in their prime, it's all good? But since Lebron had to join one of the worst franchises in basketball.. how dare he join with other top players, right?

Look at the Cavs when Lebron was drafted in 2003 and look at the Lakers in 96 when Kobe was drafted. This guy has played for loaded teams since his career started in 96. From Shaq, Eddie Jones, NVE to Malone and GP, Gasol, Howard, Nash.. etc. Yet the two years he didnt have a stacked team.. what happened? He demanded a trade in 2006. But that's ok right? Thing is, I'm not hating on Kobe.. he demands management to make it happen.. and they have. If not, he would leave. Let's not forget he had Phil Jackson and never wina ring without him. I say the same for Wade. Look what Riley has given him in his career? Shaq basically still in his prime, then Lebron and Bosh. There is a reason Kobe and Wade will both never wear another team's uniform.. their ownership and managment.

It was ok when Charle Barkely in his prime demanded a trade becasue Philly sucked? Or Melo demanded a trade because he wanted to play in NY? Or CP3 demanded a trade?

The double standard on here and in the NBA world by fans is amazing..

In short....



:lolbron: :skip:


Hollywood North
May 6, 2012
One thing in the Howard situation...part blame goes to Otis I believe.

People tend to forget this now but there was strong reports Chris Paul had gone to the Hornets GM in 2010 about a possible trade and Orlando was on the list. I do remember Orlando balking at that (something about parting with Jameer and JJ)

Flash forward a couple of months later and after a loss to Denver, Dwight asks for some moves and Otis does those Phoenix and Washington trades, which were kind of the begninng of the end. Although yeah Dwight gets blame for wanting that too (supposedly)


May 1, 2012
Basically... players need to fall in line and allow only the owners or GM's to dictate their career paths is what you are saying? Lebron gave the Cavs SEVEN years and they could not sign, draft or trade for ONE legit All-Star in his prime. Not ONE. So Lebron took his career in his own hands(Like KG even told him to do after they beat him in 2010..don't waste time is what KG told him.. don't make the same mistake he did in Minn), and went to play for one of the best run organziations in the league, to control his own destiny, took less money to play with a core tht could contend for years.

Wade was the same age Paul Peirce was when their Big 3 teamed up.. and KG refused to go to Boston until they landed Ray Allen.

Seriously... Howard didnt want to be traded to the Lakers so that made it ok? LOL. He held a franchise hostage for 2 years and embarressed their whole ogrniazation. Lebron had the dumb "decision" yet he played out his contract and moved on. NO ONE was going to Cleveland on their own... at least not a player in their prime. No player ever has. Not a shot at the Cavs.. just reality. Orlando is an attractive place for players and Orlando got key players to sign their in their prime like TMac and Hill. Players would have gone to Orlando had Howard asked them too...he didnt.

No other team gets the hate Miami does.. which is fine, but dont pretend it's close. Yes, Lebron did the stupid "Decision" which he apoligized for and was Jim Gray's idea. Also, the "not one, not two, etc" which was stupid but Riley had that pep rally planned just like he did for Shaq in 2004 and no one cared. No one cared when Shaq promised a title before ever wearing a Heat uniform.

Bottom line is people like you make up reasons to hate Lebron. It's ok that other players have played on STACKED teams..but ONLY when the ownership or GMs make it happen. Since Kobe has had great management his whole career and played with greats like Shaq, Howard, Gasol in their prime, it's all good? But since Lebron had to join one of the worst franchises in basketball.. how dare he join with other top players, right?

Look at the Cavs when Lebron was drafted in 2003 and look at the Lakers in 96 when Kobe was drafted. This guy has played for loaded teams since his career started in 96. From Shaq, Eddie Jones, NVE to Malone and GP, Gasol, Howard, Nash.. etc. Yet the two years he didnt have a stacked team.. what happened? He demanded a trade in 2006. But that's ok right? Thing is, I'm not hating on Kobe.. he demands management to make it happen.. and they have. If not, he would leave. Let's not forget he had Phil Jackson and never wina ring without him. I say the same for Wade. Look what Riley has given him in his career? Shaq basically still in his prime, then Lebron and Bosh. There is a reason Kobe and Wade will both never wear another team's uniform.. their ownership and managment.

It was ok when Charle Barkely in his prime demanded a trade becasue Philly sucked? Or Melo demanded a trade because he wanted to play in NY? Or CP3 demanded a trade?

The double standard on here and in the NBA world by fans is amazing..

Couple of problems with this. One Orlando was in a horrible position cap wise so it would not be easy at all for them to bring in talent to play with Dwight. They had far too many bloated contracts. Mainly the Turk and Lewis/Arenas deals.

Two, part of the reason no one would go to Cleveland is because Lebron wouldn't commit to Cleveland. No one wanted to sign in Cleveland, especially as Lebron's contract was winding down only to end up stuck there if Lebron decided to leave.

Plus both Lebron and Dwight were hampered by their own talents. Both are true superstars in that you can surround them with trash and they could still drag the team into a high playoff ranking which means no good draft picks. Also combine that with the fact that it puts the team in constant win now mode which leads teams to making short term decisions that hurt in the long run.

Also Dwight's criticism came from him flip-flopping back and forth and in general acting like a bytch. Lebron's more criticized for where he went and how he went about going there. His criticism had nothing to do with the fact that he left Cleveland.


Oct 17, 2012
Basically... players need to fall in line and allow only the owners or GM's to dictate their career paths is what you are saying? Lebron gave the Cavs SEVEN years and they could not sign, draft or trade for ONE legit All-Star in his prime. Not ONE. So Lebron took his career in his own hands(Like KG even told him to do after they beat him in 2010..don't waste time is what KG told him.. don't make the same mistake he did in Minn), and went to play for one of the best run organziations in the league, to control his own destiny, took less money to play with a core tht could contend for years.

Wade was the same age Paul Peirce was when their Big 3 teamed up.. and KG refused to go to Boston until they landed Ray Allen.

Seriously... Howard didnt want to be traded to the Lakers so that made it ok? LOL. He held a franchise hostage for 2 years and embarressed their whole ogrniazation. Lebron had the dumb "decision" yet he played out his contract and moved on. NO ONE was going to Cleveland on their own... at least not a player in their prime. No player ever has. Not a shot at the Cavs.. just reality. Orlando is an attractive place for players and Orlando got key players to sign their in their prime like TMac and Hill. Players would have gone to Orlando had Howard asked them too...he didnt.

No other team gets the hate Miami does.. which is fine, but dont pretend it's close. Yes, Lebron did the stupid "Decision" which he apoligized for and was Jim Gray's idea. Also, the "not one, not two, etc" which was stupid but Riley had that pep rally planned just like he did for Shaq in 2004 and no one cared. No one cared when Shaq promised a title before ever wearing a Heat uniform.

Bottom line is people like you make up reasons to hate Lebron. It's ok that other players have played on STACKED teams..but ONLY when the ownership or GMs make it happen. Since Kobe has had great management his whole career and played with greats like Shaq, Howard, Gasol in their prime, it's all good? But since Lebron had to join one of the worst franchises in basketball.. how dare he join with other top players, right?

Look at the Cavs when Lebron was drafted in 2003 and look at the Lakers in 96 when Kobe was drafted. This guy has played for loaded teams since his career started in 96. From Shaq, Eddie Jones, NVE to Malone and GP, Gasol, Howard, Nash.. etc. Yet the two years he didnt have a stacked team.. what happened? He demanded a trade in 2006. But that's ok right? Thing is, I'm not hating on Kobe.. he demands management to make it happen.. and they have. If not, he would leave. Let's not forget he had Phil Jackson and never wina ring without him. I say the same for Wade. Look what Riley has given him in his career? Shaq basically still in his prime, then Lebron and Bosh. There is a reason Kobe and Wade will both never wear another team's uniform.. their ownership and managment.

It was ok when Charle Barkely in his prime demanded a trade becasue Philly sucked? Or Melo demanded a trade because he wanted to play in NY? Or CP3 demanded a trade?

The double standard on here and in the NBA world by fans is amazing..

People hate hime because he moved on. He is called a coward. Dan Gilbert said he would "curse the next team" he would play for until he "rights his wrong doing."

Thing is... Lebron did anything a normal person would do. When you hit a glass ceiling at work, you move to another job.

He did it within his contract and provided entertainment while doing it. I have no hate for him.

The ultimate ether comes with a title. A title that Dan Gilbert swore he would deliver to the Cavs before James.:lolbron::gladbron:

Open Letter to Fans from Cavaliers Majority Owner Dan Gilbert | THE OFFICIAL SITE OF THE CLEVELAND CAVALIERS


May 2, 2012
this ties in with that other thread. Kobe has benefited the most from superstar teammates, management, and coaching more than anyone in the history of not only the NBA, but in sports total

Ray Allen
Steve Nash
Kevin Garnett

Those are some of the teammates that Shaq played with. :rudy:

Doc Rivers, Pat Riley and Phil Jackson have all coached Shaq. :rudy: