I gave it a shot since it was free on PSN+ and it's like a combination of God of War and Zelda and even a little bit of Portal. I know I'm mad late but I didn't expect for the game to be so dope. and the ending got me so hype
Definitely picking up the sequel.
Anybody else a fan of the series?
and I know THQ is gone, did anybody pick this series up?
After you kill Abaddon, when the angel chick is telling War how he will be hunted by the Council and everybody, and asks "you will wage this war alone?!" and he's like "No.... not alone....." then it pans to the sky showing the other 3 horsemen shooting down in the air. then credits
Definitely picking up the sequel.
Anybody else a fan of the series?
and I know THQ is gone, did anybody pick this series up?