Larry Pratt vs. Piers Morgan: Part Deux (1/9/13)


Absolute Sovereign
Nov 17, 2012
Liberia, Madagascar
Circle the wagons, here comes the same debate yet again. It seems as though Morgan has had so-so ratings for a while, he is staying in the arena that gave him his highest ratings in a long time: gun control. I suppose a man has to eat and Morgan knows his network (CNN) and show are not usually trending topics. After treating Pratt with contempt on his show and saying he was an "idiot" who had "dangerous ideas," Morgan calls Pratt back.

There are many big stories dying to be reported with greater determination and visibility these days, but perhaps the mainstream media feels as if they have struck a gold mine constantly arguing these wedge issues. Whether it is the Russian media (RT America, Russia Today) or foreign show hosts (Piers Morgan) or even the Chinese state-run media, foreigners have taken a special interest in America's gun laws as of late. Their voice speaks in unison: change and disarm. Regardless of being against guns, apathetic to guns or a lover of guns, this issue is being forced onto Main Street.
