Lance Storm talks about his wrestling career, his wrestling school, etc. First of two parts.
CANOE -- SLAM! Sports - Wrestling - Storm left success in his wake
CANOE -- SLAM! Sports - Wrestling - Storm left success in his wake
Many a professional wrestler will tell you about the first time they saw wrestling, that unforgettable childhood memory that drew them to the passion that would eventually become their life.
For Canadian Lance Evers, better known as Lance Storm, that moment didn't come until much, much later.
"I really started watching late," Storm said over the phone recently. "My dad was always 'you're not watching that fake s--t -- people will think you're stupid, and you believe it.' So I really wasn't allowed to watch it until it was later, and I was home by myself more.
"It was probably, I'm guessing, (the) mid-'80s before I started watching ... and even that was relatively infrequent. I would have been 15 or 16 already. I got into it a little bit, occasionally watching it on the weekends, when I could.
"There wasn't a lot of the childhood 'going with your grandfather to wrestling' stuff that you hear a lot of guys talking about."
Ironically, there are likely plenty of kids who grew up during Storm's successful run who may well have had one of those moments with gramps while watching Storm at work.
Nor, Storm says, was there a defining moment, a la Adam Copeland watching his idol Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania.
"I wasn't the 'I saw Jimmy Snuka jump off the cage and knew I had to do this' guy," revealed Storm, who will be one of the headliners at Tommy Dreamer's House of Hardcore 2 in Philadelphia on June 22. "I never had that."
Even before he climbed into the squared circle and became one of the best workers in wrestling, Storm was all business.
"I was in university, and planning on becoming an accountant, getting a business degree," he said, adding that he eventually began to lose interest in his schooling.
"I was beginning to think 'well if I don't continue with this, what else am I going to do?' And then I just started thinking ... you know, I'm big enough, I'm a good enough athlete, maybe I could actually give this a try. It was more just a conscious decision, after weighing some cons of what I was doing in school, and decided if I'm going to do this, I should probably do it sooner, rather than later."
At that point, he had a plan.
"I gave myself a five-year window, (during which) if I didn't think I was making reasonable progress, and have an aptitude and a chance of success, that I was going to pack in the wrestling thing and head back to university. But fortunately, probably about three years in, I was making my living at wrestling, and making progress before that, and I've never looked back."
He put his plan in motion rather quickly, too.
"I withdrew from university, I moved back home, and I enrolled in the Hart Wrestling Camp. It was about a six-month period from when I made the decision to when I pulled the trigger."
Obviously, dropping out of university to become a pro wrestler is a big move. And one that might not sit too well with those at home.
"My mom was a bit disappointed; she wanted me to finish university," Storm said. "But I had been fairly driven, and successful, in everything I had done to that point. I think she figured I'd give it my all, at least, she just wished I had finished university first. My dad ... my parents had split up, so I didn't have a lot of close contact with my dad. I had already completed training, and had a couple of matches before I talked to my dad again, and said 'Oh by the way, I now live in Calgary, and I'm a professional wrestler.' He didn't have too much to say about it. I can't imagine he was too thrilled, because he didn't have a lot of love, or respect, for pro wrestling."
Calgary is famous for many things -- the Stampede, Rocky Mountains and Angus beef come to mind -- but none have put it on the map any more than the legendary wrestling Hart family.
There's not much to say about the Harts and wrestling that hasn't been said, over and over.
"I don't want to get all philosophical, or anything," Storm said, "(but) thanks to Bret being such a big success and such a great star, it brought a lot of attention to Calgary more than any other city in Canada, I would imagine. You know Montreal was big back in the day, with Dino Bravo, and all those guys coming out of there, but with Bret being WWE champ, it took everything to a different level."
But it wouldn't be a Hart who would have the biggest impact on Storm's career. Rather it was a fellow aspiring wrestler from Winnipeg, one Christopher Irvine, who would prove crucial to Storm's future. Irvine is better known today as Chris Jericho.
"If it wasn't for Chris, my world would have been a very different place," Storm said. "I don't know if you've ever been to wrestling camps, and stuff, but there's a lot of dreamers that show up that don't really have much of a chance for success. I got out to Calgary, and ... I was doing doubles in the gym, training like crazy, trying to be the best that I could when I got out there, and the first half a dozen people I meet are just unathletic, out of shape people, and I'm thinking 'What in the hell am I doing ... is this thing a joke?' I was expecting a whole bunch of big, jacked up, in-shape athletes and I was actually, after I had seen four or five of them, like 'I gotta get out of here! This is not legit.' "
In fact, he almost packed up and left.
"I was starting to think 'is my ticket refundable? Can I change it?' And I had looked into the Power Plant, in Atlanta, as another option, but I didn't want to leave the country."
And not unlike his spectacular entrances of today, enter Chris Jericho.
"Then I ran into Jericho," Storm said, "and I was like 'Oh, thank God, here's another guy who looks like an athlete.' So we gravitated to each other, right away. Having someone else there that seemed to think that this was the right place to be, and that you were going to move on and do something with your life, it was like 'So if he's here, it's not a complete joke. I'll Hang 10 and see how this goes.' So if it wasn't for him, I might have changed my ticket, and looked into the Power Plant in Atlanta, and then who knows what would have happened."
Storm, who retired from full-time wrestling about a decade ago, now runs a wrestling school in Calgary, where it all began for him.
During a very successful career, he worked for every major wrestling promotion out there, beginning with the legendary Extreme Championship Wrestling, including a brief stop in now defunct World Championship Wrestling and finishing in World Wrestling Entertainment.
Some of his accomplishments include three runs as ECW tag-team champion (Chris Candido once, Justin Credible twice), WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Hardcore Champion and three-time United States Champion and a four-time WWE tag-team champion and Intercontinental champion. In 2001, he cracked the top 15 in Pro Wrestling Illustrated's top 500 singles wrestlers, checking in at 13.
Despite all that success, and hardware, Storm admits he's not one to dwell on the past.
"I'm not really a look-back kind of guy," he said. "I enjoy the moment and look toward the future. I think looking back and thinking about your legacy is too much of a stroking-your-ego kind of thing for me. Again, any legacy or body of work that I leave, it's up to everybody else. If they like it, and enjoy it, great. I'm glad. If not, it doesn't really change my life any.
"I had a good career, and I had a lot of fun, and I'm home with my family now, and I'm happy. So whether my body of work was significant or not really doesn't change that I'm happy with the way things went and happy where I am."
Family has always been a priority for the 44-year-old Storm. In fact, it was a motivating factor behind retiring while still in his prime.
"Because my family is so important to me, my career has always been a balance between sacrifice and reward," he said. "And if the reward becomes less than the sacrifice, then it's time to pack it in. It was a case of my wife starting to get tired of the road. She was like 'maybe another year, or two, but I'm just about at my wit's end.' "
Of course, the wear and tear of a long wrestling career had also taken its toll.
"My back was bothering me a little bit, and I was having a hard time getting the problem diagnosed," Storm added. "It wasn't until after I was in (Ohio Valley Wrestling) teaching that I finally got it diagnosed and fixed pretty much."
And his decision was made easier, he says, by the simple fact that he didn't care for how he was being used at the time.
"Creatively, WWE was doing nothing rewarding with me, so there wasn't any real creative artistic satisfaction in the job. It just ended up being, like, 'it's not really worth the sacrifice at this time, because I'm not being creatively or emotionally fulfilled, and I'm not doing anything of any significance.' So at that point I started to look into other options, and that's when I started talking to Johnny Ace and Jim Ross about potentially being an agent, and then they suggested the trainer gig, and it ended up working out really well."