Ladies of the Coli, have you ever been hit on/noticed by other women.

Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
I was at the barbershop earlier today, Soon as I walk in my homie/barber starts laughing and I see a bunch of nikkas giggling, so I'm like yo...WTF. And then I see one of the cats I went to school with nikka named ***** laughing and I know he's a gay dude, so I'm looking at him like cuz, gone tell me what the fukk is up. And he's basically like a couple of the gay cats who shop there were saying I can get it. Soon as he say that, them nikkas laughing, chicks laughing...all that, I'm just like :manny:and shake my head like nah, I'm good. shyt was all in fun and wasn't any disrespect thrown so I start laughing and wait for my cut. Now let me explain myself, I ain't with that kinda shyt. BUT at the same time barring disrespect and touching + environment its not something I'm willing to get into a fight over. I know the Coli don't got love for gay's but I respect everyone who respect me, so nah I ain't fixing to brawl with a nikka over some dumb shyt and especially when they are generally good peoples.

BUT then I start thinking, well damn. Because 9/10 gay men aren't ever going to just talk/run up on a nikka who they know is not gay is it similar for women?

Because I'm almost sure that kinda stuff happens to women more than men.

largely because Men even gay men, don't just holla. On at least 3 separate occasions I've been with a female friend or GF and a woman has said some fly shyt. And nobody reacts weird they just say nah/I'm not like that and it goes smoothly from there on after. And its interesting because the chicks was all like this kinda happens pretty frequently.

Which I didn't really think about.

So ladies of the Coli. do you get approached/looks/talked to by women who are trying to get with you? and if so how often?