Ladies and gay posters, I have an idea I want to run by you.


Chef Will Equilibrar Òkùnkùn
Jan 11, 2013
Sparking blunts in the shade.
Twerk It Off

Learn to twerk while toning up

-Squat twerking for that ass

-Core twerking for that stomach

-Red Nose twerking for all around cardio

A cute, unassuming, well spoken, mulatto women who's in her late 20's that can twerk her ass off would be the instructor. It would have two beckys, a Kelly Rowland and a non flaming but obviously gay dude in the background. The white girls would have to be prettier than the main chick and Kelly Rowland. The gay dude would have to be black.

And for only $25.00 extra you get the stand alone 6ft twerk mirror and a "Twerk It Off" slimmer belt. So you can watch your self burning fat and improve your twerking skills, while also trimming extra fat.

The stand alone twerk mirror and the twerk it off slimmer belt can be bought separately for only $12.50 and $5.25.

I think white women and the gay community would eat this shyt up.

Twerk On Lights Off Bonus

Sexy twerk moves for the bedroom.

This video would have the main chick doing moves on and for a non threatening cornball brother or a mans mans white guy.

"Learn to put on a show that will make your partner scream encore every time."

How many of you would buy this?

This is not a joke.:ld: