Kobe Pre-Game Meal Before He Dropped 81 Points...(Take Note)

May 9, 2012
Said Bryant: "There aren't really any supplements that I'm taking from that perspective. What I've done really is just train really hard and watch my diet. I think that's the thing that catches guys most. They don't do self assessing. They feel like they can go out there and do some of the things that they did when they were younger and eat some of the things that they've been (eating) and not accept the fact that what you put in has an impact. I've been able to be honest with myself and have had to cut down on a lot of things and eat very healthy. It sucks, but it's worth it."

As for what's in his diet, Bryant said he has cut out all junk food like his favorites of sugar cookies and Sour Patch Kids and eats lean meats, fish and vegetables. That also meant saying goodbye to the pregame meal he ate before scoring 81 points against the Toronto Raptors: pepperoni pizza and grape soda.

"This summer I got very, very serious about it," Bryant said, crediting his Olympic experience.

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Kobe Bryant of Los Angeles Lakers says this season 'best I've played in a while' - ESPN Los Angeles