So last night ye boy was tryina find some herb to get chopped an i wasnt in my neck of the woods.. i end up findin a weedman an dude tells me to meet em up by this residential area i aint kno the streets to well cause im from TDOT iunno these fukkin suburbs like that so i end up gettin lost.
So 10 mins later... weedman hits me up like yo where you at an i tell em where i am dude shows me im on the opposite side of the bridge
he gettin a lil cheesed now, so 10 minutes more go by.. an im at the meetin spot dude tell me he dont see me an im fukkin wastin his time
he gettin heated now i show em "nah nah im here"
we figurin out the situation... so he hit me up again in 2 mins like "i see ye custy ass fukkboy"
, i shoulda responded wit some hostility but i just hung up
..dude pulls up wit his boy an now all of a sudden he seen me
an he switch gears showin love like "aye homie im wasted no disrespect come blaze one wit ye boy"..
Long story short dude made a statement which i shoulda put hands on em for but i kept it cool an blazed one wit em he was showin love the whole time .. weedman way older then me but im good wit the hands, yall think i shoulda knocked his ass out?

So 10 mins later... weedman hits me up like yo where you at an i tell em where i am dude shows me im on the opposite side of the bridge

Long story short dude made a statement which i shoulda put hands on em for but i kept it cool an blazed one wit em he was showin love the whole time .. weedman way older then me but im good wit the hands, yall think i shoulda knocked his ass out?